Carolina de Assis is a Brazilian journalist and researcher who lives in Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil. She holds a master's degree in Women’s and Gender Studies from the GEMMA Programme – Università di Bologna (Italy) / Universiteit Utrecht (The Netherlands) and has worked as an editor at Gênero e Número, a Brazilian digital magazine focused on data journalism and gender issues. She is especially interested in journalistic initiatives aimed at promoting human rights and gender justice. You can find her on Twitter: @caroldeassis
Carolina de Assis es una periodista e investigadora brasileña que vive en Juiz de Fora, MG, Brasil . Tiene una maestría en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género del programa GEMMA – Università di Bologna (Italia) / Universiteit Utrecht (Holanda). Trabajó como editora en la revista digital brasileña Gênero e Número. Le interesan especialmente iniciativas periodísticas que tienen el objetivo de promover los derechos humanos y la justicia de género. Puedes encontrarla en Twitter: @caroldeassis.
Carolina de Assis é uma jornalista e pesquisadora brasileira que vive em Juiz de Fora (MG). É mestra em Estudos da Mulher e de Gênero pelo programa GEMMA – Università di Bologna (Itália) / Universiteit Utrecht (Holanda). Trabalhou como editora na revista digital Gênero e Número e se interessa especialmente por iniciativas jornalísticas que promovam os direitos humanos e a justiça de gênero. Você pode encontrá-la no Twitter em @caroldeassis.
At the end of 2001, Argentina's political and economic crisis was the main theme in Latin American news coverage. The economic recession that culminated in intense popular protests and the resignation of then-president Fernando de la Rúa also fostered a peculiar phenomenon: that of companies recuperated by their workers.
A revista online cubana El Estornudo afirmou que o governo cubano bloqueou o acesso na ilha ao site, que é um dos principais meios do jornalismo digital emergente em Cuba.
Cuban online magazine El Estornudo said the Cuban government has blocked access to the site, one of the main digital media outlets of an emerging independent journalism scene on the island.
The Brazilian Civil Police have accused Renato Oliveira, deputy secretary of Embu das Artes prefecture, in the São Paulo metropolitan region, of being the author of an attack against journalist Gabriel Barbosa da Silva, which occurred on Dec. 28, 2017.
Since March 2016, a pink two-story, 300-square-meter house on a tree-lined street in Botafogo, in the southern area of Rio de Janeiro, has been a haven and a venue for both Brazilian and foreign journalists and for those interested in journalism and the ongoing changes surrounding the profession.
The Brazilian Civil Police arrested four people on Feb. 9 in the town of Edealina, in the state of Goiás, who are suspected in the murder of radio broadcaster Jefferson Pureza. Those arrested include councilmember José Eduardo Alves da Silva, of the Party of the Republic (PR) who is accused by police of ordering the crime that occurred on Jan. 17, 2018.
The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) announced on Jan. 24 that members of the organization will investigate the murder of radio journalist Jefferson Pureza Lopes, who was shot dead on Jan. 17 in the city of Edealina, in the state of Goiás.
Seven months after the last recorded murder in Brazil in which a journalist was killed in retaliation for their work, the country saw two murders of journalists in just two days.
The National Association of Bolivian Journalists (ANPB, for its initials in Spanish) and the Association of Journalists of La Paz (APLP) have declared an “emergency” in rejection of articles of the country’s new Penal Code the entities say could be used against professionals in retaliation for their work.
At 34 years of age, 16 of them dedicated to journalism, Guatemalan Martín Rodríguez Pellecer can already count among his achievements the creation and establishment of two media outlets that have changed the journalistic panorama of his country.