
Carolina de Assis

Carolina de Assis is a Brazilian journalist and researcher who lives in Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil. She holds a master's degree in Women’s and Gender Studies from the GEMMA Programme – Università di Bologna (Italy) / Universiteit Utrecht (The Netherlands) and has worked as an editor at Gênero e Número, a Brazilian digital magazine focused on data journalism and gender issues. She is especially interested in journalistic initiatives aimed at promoting human rights and gender justice. You can find her on Twitter: @caroldeassis
Carolina de Assis es una periodista e investigadora brasileña que vive en Juiz de Fora, MG, Brasil . Tiene una maestría en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género del programa GEMMA – Università di Bologna (Italia) / Universiteit Utrecht (Holanda). Trabajó como editora en la revista digital brasileña Gênero e Número. Le interesan especialmente iniciativas periodísticas que tienen el objetivo de promover los derechos humanos y la justicia de género. Puedes encontrarla en Twitter: @caroldeassis.
Carolina de Assis é uma jornalista e pesquisadora brasileira que vive em Juiz de Fora (MG). É mestra em Estudos da Mulher e de Gênero pelo programa GEMMA – Università di Bologna (Itália) / Universiteit Utrecht (Holanda). Trabalhou como editora na revista digital Gênero e Número e se interessa especialmente por iniciativas jornalísticas que promovam os direitos humanos e a justiça de gênero. Você pode encontrá-la no Twitter em @caroldeassis.

Recent Articles

Court denies appeal from Brazilian photographer who lost an eye after being hit by rubber bullet while covering a protest

On Nov. 29, the São Paulo Court of Justice (TJ-SP) denied an appeal in the second instance from Brazilian photographer Sérgio Silva, who sought compensation from the State for losing his left eye after being hit by a rubber bullet while covering a protest in São Paulo on June 13, 2013.

Venezuelan journalist leaves country due to alleged threats received after publishing report about Tocorón prison

Venezuelan journalist Jesús Medina announced on Nov. 23 that he left his country due to threats against him and his family because of his work. In early November, Medina went missing for two days in what he says was an abduction due to his reporting on how Tocorón prison in northern Venezuela is allegedly controlled by prisoners.

Latin American professionals debate possibilities and challenges to consolidating collaboration among journalists in the region

In the second week of November, journalists from at least 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries crossed the Atlantic Ocean and met in Johannesburg, South Africa, to share investigative techniques with colleagues from around the world and seek strategies to consolidate collaboration among journalists in the region.

In investigating the past, journalists rewrite collective memory of human rights violations in Latin America

Everyone wants to be masters of memory and omission, wrote French historian Jacques Le Goff in the early 1980s, about the disputes between different social groups for the collective memory of a society. In studying the relationship between communication and history, Brazilian communicator Marialva Barbosa took up the idea of Le Goff to affirm that journalists are also "masters of memory," since on a daily basis they select and determine what should be remembered and what can be forgotten.

Man suspected of drug trafficking sues Peruvian journalists and media outlets for defamation and asks for $210 million

Peruvian and North American citizen Miguel Arévalo Ramírez has filed several suits against Peruvian journalists and media for aggravated defamation, Ojo Público reported on Nov. 7. Ramírez filed the complaint against the media outlets for having reported the investigations against him by the Peruvian Police Department's Anti-Drug Directorate (Dirandro), the Peruvian Anti-Drug Prosecutor's Office and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and asks for US $210 million in reparation.

Study from RSF/Intervozes shows high concentration, low transparency and political and religious interference in Brazilian media

Brazil is in "red alert" due to the high concentration of audience, of property and geographical location, lack of transparency and economic, political and religious interference in the country's media. This is the main conclusion of the survey on media ownership in Brazil carried out by the Intervozes communication collective in partnership with the international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF for its acronym in Spanish).

New global project created to publicize “forbidden stories” of threatened journalists begins with Mexico

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Brazilian media conglomerate Grupo Globo announces changes for greater integration between print and digital

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Miroslava Breach Award announced to honor journalists killed in Latin America

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Bolivian lawmakers exclude journalists from legislative article penalizing poor professional practice

After meeting with media associations and journalists in Bolivia, the leaders of the country's legislature decided to exclude press professionals from controversial Article 200 of the new Penal Code, which sanctions bad professional practice.