
Katherine Pennacchio

Katherine Pennacchio is a Venezuelan journalist. She has developed her career as part of media and non-governmental organizations. She co-founded Vendata.org, an innovative project for the liberation of information and publication of open data in Venezuela. She was also part of the team of the investigative journalism site, Armando.info, and of Runrun.es, where she participated in large-scale investigations such as the Panama Papers. Katherine has a master's degree in Investigative, Data and Visualization Journalism from the Editorial Unit and the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and she is passionate about data analytics. She currently works as a freelancer.

Katherine Pennacchio es una periodista venezolana. Ella ha desarrollado su trayectoria entre medios de comunicación y organizaciones no gubernamentales. Co-fundó Vendata.org, un proyecto innovador de liberación de información y publicación de datos abiertos en Venezuela. También fue parte del equipo del portal especializado en periodismo de investigación, Armando.info y de Runrun.es, donde participó en investigaciones de envergadura como los Papeles de Panamá. Katherine tiene una maestría en Periodismo de Investigación, Datos y Visualización de la Unidad Editorial y la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid y es una apasionada del análisis de datos. Actualmente trabaja como independiente .

Recent Articles

Portraits of available mentors for women journalists through WINN platform

The WINN network mentorships provide a space of support and trust among Latin American women journalists

The WINN network of women journalists offers, since November 2021, free 30-minute online mentorships with highly experienced journalists. In this second attempt at a mentoring program, they have been successful in providing a space of support and, often, also a therapeutic space for young journalists from Latin America.

Woman looking at graph charts in art gallery.

Latin American journalism turns to art so stories using data make a greater impact on audiences

Latin American journalism increasingly merges data and art so stories will have a greater impact and reach different audiences. However, there is still a need for more journalists to delve into the visual aspect of their work and for more institutions to support artistic projects.

Ecuadorian women journalists debate a gender approach in fact-checking (credit: zoom screenshot)

Ecuadorian women journalists reflect on challenges of incorporating a gender approach to fact-checking

The inclusion of a gender approach is a challenge within journalism. Journalists face organized campaigns with misleading content, so fact-checking is key to addressing human rights issues from a position of respect, non-revictimization and without falling into sensationalism.

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Latin American fact-checkers join petition for YouTube to take effective measures against disinformation

80 independent fact-checking organizations around the world, including 11 from Latin America, published an open letter to the CEO of YouTube urging the platform to take effective action against disinformation and misinformation.

Blocking users on Twitter by the El Salvador's president Twitter account

Blocking of journalists by authorities and officials on Twitter extends across Latin America

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magnifying glass focused on the word DATA

Journalists and data experts in Latin America debate the lack of resources and tools in Spanish

It is not easy to get updated resources and tools on the web about data journalism in Spanish. Just look at the results in Google in English on the subject that almost triple those in the Spanish language. Books, workshops, tools, and even podcasts and newsletters on data journalism tend to be created first in […]

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Sexual harassment is a constant for more than half of women journalists in Venezuela, according to report

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En medio de acoso y persecución a la prensa se realiza el Foro Centroamericano de Periodismo

"Quisiera ver este foro como una oportunidad para reflexionar  sobre nuestra situación, para iniciar  una conversación que nos lleve a enfrentar juntos, mejor organizados y acompañados, la ola de ataques orquestados hacia el periodismo centroamericano desde cada uno de nuestros gobiernos. Juntos, organizados, resistiremos mejor”, dijo el periodista Carlos Dada en el Foro Centroamericano de Periodismo.

ForoCAP: Carlos Dada at podium

Central American Journalism Forum held in midst of harassment and persecution of the region’s press

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Chronicling disease and migration, winners of the Roche Prizes mark an eventful year for health journalism in Latin America

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