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Venezuelan ministry denies newspaper press access following critical report

The Venezuelan Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC in Spanish) told the newspaper TalCual that it would not longer have access to MTC representatives.

Brazilian ex-presidents once again delay vote on information access bill in Senate

Former Brazilian president and current senator, Fernando Collor de Melo, along with another ex-president and current president of the Senate, José Sarney, executed a "maneuver" to slow the vote on an information access bill in the Congress,

Argentine TV team attacked while covering march on anniversary of Chilean military coup

A group of hooded men attacked a news team from the Argentine public television channel Canal 7 during a march commemorating the 38th anniversary of the Sept. 11 military coup in the Chilean capital of Santiago.

Journalist groups demand thorough investigation into shooting death of radio reporter in Brazilian Amazon

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is calling on Brazilian authorities to "thoroughly" investigate the killing of a radio journalist in the Amazonian city of Tabatinga, located in the triple-frontier between Brazil, Colombia and Perú.

Journalist detained in Chile for photographing student protests

Raúl Flores Castillo, director of the Chilean digital magazine Dilemas, claimed he was detained by police for covering a student protest in the capital of Santiago on Sept. 8, the magazine reported.

Journalists threatened in Brazil, demand authorities take action

The Journalists Union of Alagoas accused provincial authorities--including delegates--of recent threats against journalists in the Brazilian state of Alagoas.

Pro-Chavez hackers steal Twitter passwords from Venezuelan journalists

Journalists critical of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez were among the victims of an online attack by pro-Chávez hackers. Hackers interfered with at least a dozen Twitter and e-mail accounts of oppositionists, reported EFE.

Brazilian judge sentences newspaper to pay damages to ex-government official

The newspaper O Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul was ordered by the Brazilian state's court to pay damages to Luiz Carlos Bonelli, ex-superintendent of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform.

Keynote Sandy Close criticizes “communication apartheid” between ethnic and mainstream media

“The immigrant is the prophet of the future, it is who we are becoming,” said Sandy Close in her keynote speech at the 9th Austin Forum on Journalism in the Americas on Saturday, Sept. 10.

Panel on Caribbean migration opens 2nd day of Austin Forum

Day two of the 9th Austin Forum on Journalism in the Americas started Saturday morning with a panel on Caribbean migration.