The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin will hold the First Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism on March 26 and 27.
The Knight Center online course in Spanish, “Diversity in the news and newsrooms,” is now available online for free as a self-directed course. Any person from anywhere in the world can now access and take the course at their own pace.
Video recordings of the Knight Center’s multilingual webinar, “Covering the COVID-19 Vaccines: What Journalists Need to Know,” are now available for free in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Video recordings of the Knight Center’s multilingual webinar, “Covering the COVID-19 Vaccines: What Journalists Need to Know,” are now available for free in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Registration is open for the 2021 ISOJ, and keynote speakers, including New York Times' chairman AG Sulzberger, have been announced.
Registration is open for the 2021 ISOJ, and keynote speakers, including New York Times' chairman AG Sulzberger, have been announced.
Registration for ISOJ, the premier global online journalism conference, is now open. For the second year, the conference will be virtual and free!
Registration for ISOJ, the premier global online journalism conference, is now open. For the second year, the conference will be virtual and free!
The webinar "COVID-19 vaccine coverage: What journalists need to know" brought together science journalists to discuss the challenges of vaccine coverage and immunization campaigns against COVID-19.
Sa suáma oḡuahẽ ko yvy ári mbegue mbeguépe hasýva COVID-19gui ha ohasáma mokõi sua omanóva ichugui, Centro Knight Texas Mbo’ehaovusu ha UNESCO ñeipytyvõme omoḡuahẽ tekombo’e yvytu pepo rehe ikatúvo ñarairõ mba’asy ruvicha aja mba’asy vaive ha’éva “momarandu’ỹ”.