Leonardo Coelho is a Brazilian journalist. He has written for outlets such as Rest of World, Bellingcat, BBC Brasil, VICE Brasil, Noisey, Correio Braziliense, UOL, Congresso em Foco and Ponte Jornalismo. As a photojournalist, he has collaborated for Estado de Minas, Lenny Letter, Newsweek, OZY magazine and Morgenbladet. Leo can be found on Twitter @leocoelho_jor.
Leonardo Coelho é um jornalista brasileiro. Escreveu para veículos como Rest of World, Bellingcat, BBC Brasil, VICE Brasil, Noisey, Correio Braziliense, UOL, Congresso em Foco e Ponte Jornalismo. Como fotojornalista, já colaborou para o Estado de Minas, Lenny Letter, Newsweek, OZY magazine e Morgenbladet. Pode ser encontrado no twitter @leocoelho_jor.
Many journalists who live and work in Rio’s favelas work by the “nós por nós” (informally, Us, by Us) mantra, creating their own media initiatives with journalism by and for themselves. They do this in order to speak their own voice to their own people, those that traditional media –and the State – usually forgets.
“Latin American journalists are understanding the need to use TikTok as a more direct way to reach that young audience that uses entertainment as a communication tool,” Noelia Gonzalez Pereyra told LJR.