
Brazil now has its own version of the influential Columbia Journalism Review magazine

Columbia University in the United States and the School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM in Portuguese) in Brazil worked in collaboration to launch the Journalism Magazine of the ESPM, the Brazilian version of the influential Columbia Journalism Review, reported the portal Meio e Mensagem. The magazine, to be published every trimester, started circulating at the beginning of May.

As stated in the title, the Journalism Magazine of the ESPM will deal with topics related to journalism. There will be translated articles from the U.S. magazine as well as content from Brazil. Journalist Eugenio Bucci, who also is the journalism graduate school director at ESPM, is heading the magazine.

The first magazine edition, which will be sold through subscriptions, includes an article by journalist Alberto Dines about the effect of technology in journalism, Afro-American press history, and a reflection about the relationship between press consultants and the newsrooms, among other topics.

The Journalism Magazine of the ESPM adds to the few journals dedicated to this profession. Another example is the Brazilian Magazine of Teaching Journalism, oriented more to education than the journalism profession itself.