
Now blogging: Hugo Chávez

By Ingrid Bachmann

First he went on television and radio. Next, he started tweeting. Now, President Chávez has launched an official blog to communicate with Venezuelans, ABC and Europa Press report.

Chávez's personal page includes his own commentaries and also incorporates his speeches and his Sunday program, Aló, Presidente, (Hello, President) in addition to news, articles, videos, and photographs, the state news agency reports. The site also publishes the Reflections of Fidel, the column of the Cuban leader.

According to Chávez, the site will receive complaints and requests from citizens without requiring them to post their personal data in full view of everyone, El Universal explains.

Note from the editor: This story was originally published by the Knight Center’s blog Journalism in the Americas, the predecessor of LatAm Journalism Review.