A Ordem dos Advogados de Honduras se uniu a dezenas de jornalistas que protestaram na manhã de 16 de Agosto diante da Corte Suprema de Justiça em Tegucigalpa para exigir a revogação do artigo 335-B do Código Penal hondurenho, que consideram uma ameaça à liberdade de expressão.
The anchors are experienced journalists reporting national stories and interviewing the nation’s leaders for a professionally-produced television news program. Everything about the two-hour daily newscast from Peruvian newspaper Correo looks and operates like a professional newscast.
The Honduran Bar Association joined dozens of journalists who protested the morning of Aug. 16 outside the Supreme Court in Tegucigalpa to demand the repeal of Article 335-B of the Honduran Penal Code, which they consider to be contrary to freedom of expression.
Journalists from ten Latin American countries are among the winners of the 2017 Excellence in Journalism Awards from the Inter American Press Association (IAPA).
The Peruvian Judiciary decided in favor of Perla Berríos in a lawsuit over harassment suffered by the journalist while working at the network Latina, magazine Caretas reported on Aug. 17.
International organization Chicas Poderosas is furthering its mission of joining women journalists and technology in today’s newsrooms with a series of design thinking workshops that will launch Aug. 22 in Rio de Janeiro.
Almost a decade ago, Brazilian journalist Marcelo Moreira traveled to Mexico for the first time to participate in a working group to study the situation of journalists in that country, considered then and now the most dangerous place to practice journalism in Latin America.
A Mexican radio journalist in the state of Puebla is recovering after an attack on his life.
The first person has been found guilty for the murder of Colombian journalist Flor Alba Núñez who was killed in September 2015 while entering her workplace.
Daniel Urresti, former general and former Minister of the Interior during the government of Peruvian President Ollanta Humala, was accused by prosecutor Luis Landa of being the co-author of the 1988 murder of journalist Hugo Bustíos. The prosecutor made this declaration during the current trial against Urresti and asked for 25 years in prison for the former general, newspaper La República reported.
Valuing journalistic work in Mexico, ending impunity of attacks against journalists and strengthening the guild are the preliminary objectives of the participants of the working groups of the #AgendaDePeriodistas initiative, which seeks to create an organization and a working plan to combat violence against the press in that country.
Colombia's Supreme Court confirmed that two former paramilitary leaders will be excluded from benefits offered under the Justice and Peace Law because they did not tell the truth in the investigation into the abduction, torture and rape of journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima that occurred 17 years ago, El Tiempo reported.