Almost 15 years to the day when Colombian journalist Orlando Sierra was fatally shot, another of the men involved in that crime has been deported back to Colombia.
After having undergone the first surgery to save the vision of his left eye, the doctors at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute of Miami have given Marco “Atoq” Ramón, a Peruvian photographer with newspaper Perú.21, a hopeful prognosis.
Journalists from Latin American countries have until Feb. 3 to apply to attend a two-week workshop in São Paulo, Brazil on journalism and internet policies. InternetLab, which organizes the crash course, offers travel grants to cover the cost of lodging for journalists selected for the program.
For almost thirty years, Lúcio Flávio Pinto has been the sole writer and editor of a unique and independent newspaper, which investigators and closely monitors in the powerful in Pará and the rest of Brazil’s Amazon region. His reporting made him a renowned and award-winning journalist around the globe, but also attracted threats and attacks.
In the 10 years of the violent Drug War in Mexico, journalists have rarely had the time to reflect on how the violence affects both them and the people around them.
O Grupo Globo, maior conglomerado de mídia do Brasil e da América Latina, anunciou, em 19 de janeiro, a unificação das redações dos seus jornais Extra e O Globo. Como parte do processo, os veículos demitiram mais de 30 jornalistas. Segundo o diretor de redação do jornal O Globo, Ascânio Seleme, a medida visa racionalizar custos e implementar mudanças "radicais", que devem voltar o foco dos veículos para a produção digital.
Grupo Globo, the largest media conglomerate in Brazil and Latin America, announced on Jan. 19 that it would unify the newsrooms of its newspapers Extra and O Globo. As part of the process, the outlets fired more than 30 journalists. According to the editorial director of O Globo, Ascânio Seleme, the measure aims to streamline costs and implement “radical” changes, which should turn the focus of the outlets to digital production.
Early in the morning of May 6, 1996, Gustavo Díaz, a merchant in the port of Turbo, in Urabá, Colombia, lost everything. His wife and two of his daughters were murdered and burned along with his grocery store at the hands of guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), in one of more than 2,000 massacres that have occurred in that country since 1982.
Journalists from Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Uruguay were among the winners of the King of Spain International Journalism Awards on Jan. 24 in its 34th edition, news agency EFE reported.
Venezuelan authorities deported Spanish freelance journalist Aitor Sáez ahead of protests planned for Jan. 23, continuing a pattern of treatment towards international journalists prior to mass demonstrations.
Recent media coverage of a rare school shooting in Mexico has generated a large debate between the media, readers and the State, concerning the ethics of journalistic publication of reports with violent images.
Igor Abisaí Padilla Chávez, a well-known Honduran journalist, was killed in San Pedro Sula on Jan. 17.