

One of the most traditional newspapers of Argentina, La Nueva, reduces print circulation to three days a week

La Nueva Provincia, one of the oldest and most traditional newspapers of Argentina that was recently renamed La Nueva, announced it will limit the circulation of its print edition to three days per week.

Veteran Guatemalan journalist and news radio host killed by armed men

Journalist Álvaro Aceituno López, 65, was killed near his home in Coatepeque, Quetzaltenango in southwest Guatemala on June 25. He is the fifth journalist killed in Guatemala in the first six months of 2016, according to the Center for Informative Reports about Guatemala (Cerigua).

Digital native media inform and empower rural and indigenous communities in Latin America

Theaters in the streets to relay information, chronicles in indigenous languages and unknown stories from rural communities that don’t appear on the traditional news agenda. This is what some digital native media outlets in Latin America are producing and promoting.

Brazilian editor launches studies on the effects of the internet on journalism and warns about dangers of media fragmentation

Media fragmentation in the digital environment carries risks for journalism and for citizens in democratic societies, warns Brazilian journalist Ricardo Gandour, director of content for Grupo Estado and visiting scholar at Columbia Journalism School.

Bolivian journalist asks the IACHR for protection from threats from government

In the face of threats from government officials and shortly after Juan Ramón Quintana, the Minister of the Presidency of Bolivia, labeled her as part of a “cartel of lies,” journalist Amalia Pando requested protection for her journalistic work before the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) through a precautionary measure, according to news agency EFE.

Latin American fact-checking pioneers emphasize importance of access to information

Latin American journalists and editors gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina earlier this month to share experiences and successful methods for producing a kind of investigative journalism that has been growing in the region: fact-checking.

Journalist killed in Tamaulipas, Mexico is second journalist killed in that country in less than 24 hours

Less than 24 hours after the death of a journalist in Oaxaca, a reporter in Tamaulipas state has been killed by a group of armed men. She is the eighth journalist killed in Mexico this year.

Ecuadorian journalists face “campaign of harassment” for participating in the investigation of the Panama Papers

The six Ecuadorian journalists who participated in the global investigation known as the Panama Papers have been the subject of a “campaign of genuine harassment,” as denounced by the nonprofit organization Fundamedios.

Murder of journalist in Texas could be linked to his reporting

Jacinto (Jay) Torres Hernández, a journalist, photographer and real estate agent living in Texas, was found with a gunshot wound to the chest late June 13 in the backyard of a house in the city of Garland, according to newspaper La Estrella.

Argentinian government decides to suspend the signal of news channels RT and Telesur from free-to-air digital TV

The Argentinian government has decided to remove from air international news channels Russia Today in Spanish (RT), which is funded by the Russian government, and Telesur, a network created by late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Both signals will be suspended from the free-to-air digital television network, according to Agencia Diarios y Noticias (DyN).

Mexican journalist killed while covering teachers' protest in Oaxaca

Mexican reporter Elidio Ramos Zárate, who had been covering a teachers’ union protest in Oaxaca, was killed on June 19 while taking a photo of a robbery in-progress at a convenience store, according to newspaper El Universal.

Veículos de comunicação peruano e argentino levam para casa Prêmio de Jornalismo de Dados

Meios de comunicação no Peru e na Argentina levaram troféus para casa, como parte do Prêmio Internacional de Jornalismo de Dados 2016, divulgado em 16 de junho pela Rede Global de Editores (GEN, da sigla em inglês). Os prêmios reconhecem “trabalho excepcional no campo do jornalismo de dados em todo o mundo.”