Authorities in the Mexican border state of Coahuila had to remove 45 signs and banners threatening the newspaper Zócalo that appeared in several cities across the state on Thursday, March 7, reported the website CNN México.
The transfer of media licenses from Daniel Hadad to pro-Kirchner businessman Cristobal López has generated controversy in Argentina, leading some to suggest the hand over was "illegal," reported the newspaper Clarín.
The International Center for Journalists named three Latin American journalists and a Portuguese designer who instructed a course for the Knight Center as the next Knight International Journalism Fellows last week.
The Attorney General of the state of Chihuahua offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of the gunmen who shot and killed Mexican journalist Jaime Guadalupe González, director of the website Ojinaga Noticias
Former Haitian President René Préval testified privately on Thursday, March 7, as part of an effort to re-open a criminal investigation into the killing of muckraking journalist Jean Dominique, reported the Associated Press.
Loved by some, hated by others. Few struck a middle ground when it came to Hugo Chávez and the same went for his relationship with the media in Venezuela, a country he led for 14 years.
The Association of Caribbean Media Workers asked Caricom -- an organization that promotes cooperation among Caribbean nations -- to discourage its 15 members from participating in a meeting of the Organization of American States
Two news teams said they were attacked while covering the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.
Unknown men opened fire on the premises of a newspaper and a TV station in the early morning hours of March 6, according to the newspaper Milenio.
Impunity continues to be one of the most serious problems facing freedom of expression in Latin America and the Caribbean, according the International Freedom of Expression Exchange in Latin American and Caribbean's (IFEX-ALC) Annual Report on Impunity 2012.
The President of the Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic, Demostenes Martínez, announced yesterday that prison sentences for defamation and slander have been removed from the Penal Code reform, currently being reviewed in the legislature, said news website dr1.
On Monday, March 4, the Social Communication Council of the National Congress of Brazil approved a request to speed up voting on a proposal to federalize the investigation of crimes against journalists, said newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.