

Filmmaker pulls his documentary on Rafael Correa after Ecuadorian government pressures U.S. broadcaster to "censor" it

The director of a documentary about Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa refused to air his film on a U.S. television channel after an official requested the station makes some changes in their broadcast, according to Fundamedios. 

Mexico’s Attorney General is now denying journalists access to state facilities

Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office, or PGR — which is in charge of investigating federal crimes like drug and arms trafficking — is now denying journalists access to their facilities all over the country, news weekly Proceso reported.

Media organizations question decision to honor the president of Ecuador with freedom of expression award

La Plata University (UNLP in Spanish) in Argentina honored Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa with a freedom of expression award. The prize was previously awarded to President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Bolivian President Evo Morales in 2011 and 2008, respectively. 

Book on resistance in Mexico exemplifies collective effort to tell stories beyond the tragedy

The Mexican organization Periodistas de a Pie launched on Dec. 2 at the International Book Fair of Guadalajara its most recent collective project, Entre las Cenizas: Historias de Vida en Tiempos de Muerte. ("From the Ashes: Tales of Life in Times of Death" in Spanish). According to the organization, the book focuses on "stories of resistance, solidarity and hope, starring anonymous women and men who suffered from the unhinged violence of the war in Mexico against drug trafficking."

Implementation of controversial articles in Argentina's new media law postponed

The Federal Chamber on Civil and Commercial Matters of Argentina extended the cautionary measure on grounds of unconstitutionality requested by the media titan Grupo Clarín on two articles of the country's new media law, which was set to go into effect this Friday, Dec. 7, according to newspaper Clarín. The ruling means that the articles that refer to the possession of audiovisual media licenses will not go into effect until there is a ruling regarding their constitutionality.

Demonstrators and police attack journalists in protests as Mexico's new president takes office

Reporters Without Borders (RSF in French) and Article 19 denounced attacks on journalists and media outlets during the coverage of protests against the presidential transition in Mexico, which turned violent on Saturday, Dec. 1.

Mexico's new president inherits one of the world's most dangerous countries for reporters, vows to defend freedom of expression

When Enrique Peña Nieto assumed the presidency of Mexico on Saturday, Dec. 1, he promised that his government would protect freedom of expression and journalism, according to the news agency EFE. 

Telecom group launches freedom of expression campaign in Latin America

​An organization created by members of the telecommunications industry launched on Dec. 5 a campaign to to raise awareness about the "oppressive circumstances" many media outlets face across the continent.

Colombian journalist dies from injuries suffered while in police custody

After a week in intensive care, Colombian journalist Guillermo Quiroz died on Nov. 27, reported the newspaper El Universal. Quiroz suffered mutiple injuries after falling from a National Police truck in the northern city of San Pedro, Sucre, according to the newspaper. 

Reporters Without Borders signals uptick in violence against journalists in Argentina

Reporters Without Borders (RSF in Spanish) reported with "concern and regret" an uptick in attacks on journalists in Argentina and the challenges facing freedom of expression, especially in the provinces, according to a report the group published on Nov. 30. 

Blogger arrested in Ecuador after exposing weaknesses in State database

An Ecuadorian blogger was arrested after using President Rafael Correa's information to demonstrate the vulnerability of the government's system on Friday, Nov. 30, reported the newspaper El Universo. Paul Moreno was arrested in the city of Riobamba on the orders of the National Directory of Registration and Public Data (DINARDAP in Spanish), which accused him of hacking into the system. 

Molotov cocktail thrown at home of news website owner in Brazil

Journalist Fabiano Portilho Coene, owner of the news website i9 in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, claimed he was attacked on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 29, reported the website G1.