

Phone calls made from prison threaten Peruvian TV host

The host of a television news program in the province of Ucayali, in the eastern Amazonian region of Peru, received a death threats over the phone from a prison in the capital, Lima, reported the Press and Society Institute.

Mexican newspaper firebombed in second attack on offices

A local newspaper in the northern Mexican city of Torreón suffered a second armed attacked in the dawn of Nov. 15, reported Radio Fórmula.

Journalist in Uruguay sues for torture he suffered under military dictatorship

An Uruguayan journalist filed charges for torture he suffered during the 1973-1985 dictatorship in the South American country, according to reports from El Comercio on Nov. 11.

After corruption accusations, Brazilian minister retaliates by leaking reporters' investigations on official blog

Following accusations of corruption involving Carlos Lupi, Brazilian minister of Labor and Employment, Lupi ordered the stories being investigated by the media to be leaked on one of the ministry's blogs, reported Terra.

Cyber attacks on news sites in Chile threaten freedom of information, says Reporters Without Borders

In the midst of rising social tensions sparked by ongoing student protests in Chile, with violent results for some journalists, Reporters Without Borders denounced new threats against freedom of information in the South American country following cyber attacks on three news sites on Nov. 4.

Dois jornalistas voltam a receber ameaças de morte por críticas ao golpe de Estado em Honduras

Os jornalistas hondurenhos Arnulfo Aguilar e Luis Gadalmez voltaram a receber ameaças de morte, apesar das medidas cautelares concedidas pela Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, segundo a agência EFE.

Diretor da organização de defesa da liberdade de imprensa Fundamedios recebe ameaças de morte

O diretor da organização defensora da liberdade de expressão Fundamedios recebeu ameaças de morte na sexta-feira, 11 de novembro, segundo informou a agência EFE.

Director of press freedom group in Ecuador receives death threats after criticizing the government

The director of an organization that defends freedom of expression in Ecuador received death threats on Nov. 11, according to a report from the EFE news agency.

Radio and TV reporters critical of the Honduran coup continue to receive death threats

Honduran journalists Arnulfo Aguilar and Luis Gadalmez continue to receive death threats despite precautionary measures provided by the Inter American Commission for Human Rights, reported the news agency EFE.

Jornalista uruguaio denuncia tortura sofrida durante a ditadura

Um jornalista uruguaio entrou com uma ação na justiça para denunciar as torturas que sofreu durante a última ditadura (1973-1985) do país, de acordo com informações do El Comercio de 11 de novembro.

Amenazan a director de Fundamedios, organización defensora de la prensa libre en Ecuador

El director de una organización defensora de la libertad de expresión en Ecuador recibió amenazas de muerte el viernes 11 de noviembre, según reportó la agencia EFE.

Ataques hackers ameaçam sites de notícias chilenos, denuncia RSF

Em meio a um crescente clima de tensão social decorrente dos protestos estudantis que ocorrem no Chile desde o início do ano, alguns com desfechos violentos para jornalistas, a organização Repórteres Sem Fronteiras (RSF) denunciou novas ameaças à liberdade de informar no país após ataques hackers contra três sites de notícias no dia 4 de novembro.