

Ataques hackers ameaçam sites de notícias chilenos, denuncia RSF

Em meio a um crescente clima de tensão social decorrente dos protestos estudantis que ocorrem no Chile desde o início do ano, alguns com desfechos violentos para jornalistas, a organização Repórteres Sem Fronteiras (RSF) denunciou novas ameaças à liberdade de informar no país após ataques hackers contra três sites de notícias no dia 4 de novembro.

Protestors against mining in Peru turn against TV reporters

Protesters opposed to a mining project in Peru attacked three journalists covering the event on Nov. 9, reported the Press and Society Institute.

Student journalist shot to death over motorcycle in Dominican Republic

A 26 year-old journalism student was killed early in the morning on Nov. 9. The student produced a local radio program in the Boca Chica province in the east of the Dominican Republic, reported Crónica Viva.

Governor's bodyguards attack TV reporters on election night in Guatemala

Bodyguards for Deputy Mario Rivera brutally beat two television reporters in Guatemala, according to a report by elPeriódico.

Newspaper presses burned, reporter beaten as attacks on media escalate in Argentina

The first days of November have seen a wave of attacks against journalists and the media in Argentina. The newspaper La Verdad in the city of Junín, in the province of Buenos Aires, claimed that unknown assailants entered the paper's printing facility and burned part of the presses early in the morning of Nov. 7, according to El Día.

Chávez supporters beat opposition TV channel journalists covering a patients' protest

Reporter Guillermo Colina, a cameraman, and a technician for the Venezuelan opposition television station Globovisión were attacked by supporters of President Hugo Chávez while covering a patient protest outside a military hospital in the capital of Caracas, reported the Press and Society Institute on Nov. 7. The same reporter suffered a similar attack on Oct. 17.

Honduran reporters threatened after accusing police of killing university students

Honduran journalists covering police and judicial issues publicly denounced the National Police for threatening and harassing them because of their investigations into the killing of two students from the National University of Honduras, according to IFEX and C-Libre.

Death of TV cameraman in Brazilian slum rekindles debate over safety of journalists

The death of Brazilian TV cameraman Gelson Domingos, shot Nov. 6 while covering a police raid in a favela, or slum, outside Rio de Janeiro, has re-ignited concerns about the safety of journalists reporting in high-risk areas. Such concerns previously came to the forefront with the 2002 torture and killing of journalist Tim Lopes in another slum in Rio de Janeiro.

Brazilian community radio director tries to stab rival host on air

The director of a community radio station in the Brazilian city of Araçagi, Paraíba tried to stab the host of another radio station during a live broadcast on Nov. 5, reported the news site Focando a Notícia.

Bloggers vow to continue fight against organized crime in Mexico after fourth person killed for online comments

For the fourth time in two months in the city of Nuevo Laredo in Mexico, a body has been found with a message threatening users of social networks, reported GlobalPost and La Jornada.

Jailed Venezuelan editor goes on hunger strike

Leocenis García, editor of the Venezuelan newspaper 6to Poder, announced on Nov. 9 that he would go on a hunger strike for an "undetermined time" to reinvigorate the appeal against his detention, reported El Universal. García was arrested Aug. 30 after publishing a cover satirizing several female members of President Hugo Chávez's administration.

Bolivian Attorney General calls journalists to testify in case related to oppression of indigenous peoples

The Attorney General’s office in Bolivia requested a list of the journalists who covered the oppression of indigenous peoples who participated in the protest march for the Isiboro Sécure National Park and Indigenous Territory, according to the newspaper La Razón.