

Can there be non-"militant" journalism in Argentina (or anywhere)?

In the midst of a tense relationship between President Cristina Fernández and the country’s media, the concept of “militant journalism” is a constant theme of debate in Argentina. El Diario 24 columnist Adrián Carlos Corbella wonders whether there is journalism that escapes this label and questions the demonization of “militant” – i.e. openly ideological – journalists by those who self-identify as “independent.”

Radio journalist stabbed to death in El Salvador

Radio journalist Nelson Hernández was stabbed to death in the wee hours Wednesday, June 8, in Izalco, west of the capital of El Salvador, as he was headed to work at the radio station SKY, reported El Universal.

Using crowdfunding to finance journalistic projects in Brazil (Q&A)

”Crowdfunding”, a term used to describe networking, usually via the Internet, to pool money and resources, is starting to take off in Brazil. An explosion of crowdfunding websites, like Catarse, Multidão, Movere and Benfeitoria, are just some to come on the scene.

After surviving attempted burning, Colombian TV director receives death threats

On June 8, less than two weeks after assailants attempted to burn TV director Mario Esteban López alive, he received threats telling him he could be killed if he stayed in the Ecuador-Colombia border city of Ipiales, El Observador reports.

Argentine journalists want “conscience clause” to protect their ethical integrity

Inspired by a common complaint that some topics journalists are ordered to cover go against their personal ethics, the Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA) has proposed a “conscience clause” to give them legal recourse to refuse, La Voz reports.

One journalist kidnapped, another seriously injured in continued violence against the press in Mexico

The wave of violence against journalists in Mexico appears to have no end. Even as Mexican media outlets on June 9 reported the kidnapping of journalist Marco Antonio López Ortiz, information chief for the newspaper Novedades Acapulco in the state of Veracruz, journalists remained on alert because of the beating journalist Carlos de Jesús Rodríguez, director of the news site Gobernantes.com, suffered while in jail.

Demonstrators attack journalists, paint graffiti on newspaper's walls in Mexico

A group of demonstrators threatened and beat three Mexican journalists from the newspaper Noticias, Voz e Imagen de Oaxaca after invading the newspaper's offices in the city of Oaxaca, in Southeastern Mexico, and painting the newspaper's facade with anti-press slogans, reported the National Center of Social Communication (CENCOS).

Guatemalan journalist criticizes investigators' negligence in his arrest for alleged kidnapping

Journalist Vasni Vásquez, who was held for two months for alleged involvement in a kidnapping, denounced the authorities’ negligence and failure to thoroughly investigate the case, Cerigua reports.

Freedom of expression organizations concerned about return of Honduras to OAS

Reporters Without Borders and the World Association of Community Radios for Latin America and the Caribbean (AMARC-ALC in Spanish) expressed their concern and the readmittance without conditions of Honduras to the Organization of American States (OAS), from which the country has been suspended after the June 2009 coup, reported Hora Cero.

Human rights report: Mexican government is complicit in violence against journalists

Nearly 70 journalists have been killed in Mexico since 2000 and the the Mexican government is “complicit” in the crimes against media workers, according to a new report by PEN Canada and the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) at the University of Toronto, the Toronto Star reports.

Brazilian journalists increasingly relying on online social networks, research shows

From searching for information to contacting sources, social network sites increasingly are impacting the routines of Brazilian journalists, according to new research from Oriella PR Network 2011 distributed in Brazil on Tuesday, June 7.

Guatemalan journalists meet to improve election coverage and strengthen digital reporting network

The meeting began with a moment of silence for slain television journalist Yensi Roberto Ordoñez Galdamez. Nearly 80 journalists bowed their heads as they gathered for the “3rd International Meeting of Journalists from the Departments and the Capital of Guatemala.” Their mission: to bring journalists together for training and dialogue in hopes of improving coverage of the upcoming elections.