

Uruguay's president says governments must support press freedom

President José Mujica told the Brazilian magazine Veja that rulers shouldn’t respond to criticism from the press, because “if you respond you lose twice,” EFE reports.

Guatemalan reporter robbed again, and another journalist killed in the capital

Marvin del Cid Acevedo, part of the investigative team for the Guatemalan newspaper elPeriódico, had his home broken into for a second time, and his laptop, where he stores all the documents associated with his journalistic work, was stolen, reported Cerigua.

Thousands of Argentines march in favor of media law

Under the slogan “the media law is for everyone, for the monopolies too,” activists demanded enforcement of the Audiovisual Media Law, a rule that was passed by Congress nearly a year ago but is still unenforced due to several court rulings, La Jornada and EFE report.

Brazilian police try to seize magazine that published corruption allegations

Thirty armed police officers in Tocantins state attempted to stop the circulation of Veja magazine for reporting on allegations involving the state’s incumbent gubernatorial candidate, Carlos Gaguim (PMDB), writes Veja blogger Reinaldo Azevedo.

Another Cuban journalist freed from prison

A 16th Cuban journalist has been released from prison and gone into exile in Spain, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

Salvadoran court eliminates immunity for journalists accused of defamation

In what has been characterized as a “blow to the media,” the Supreme Court of Justice of El Salvador declared unconstitutional a section of the penal code that exempted media, reporters, editors and owners from legal responsibility for defamation. According to the ruling, the law violated the principle of equality, reported El Mundo and El Faro.

Association says Argentine government treats journalism as the enemy

The Association of Argentine Journalistic Entities (ADEPA) said in its annual report that President Cristina Fernández's government acts as if journalism is "an enemy” and warned that pressure on the media from the authorities is degrading freedom of expression.

Mexican editor talks about newspaper's editorial calling for truce with drug traffickers

Gerardo Rodriguez, editor of the Mexican newspaper El Diario de Juarez, spoke with NPR during an interview about violence, impunity, and the editorial the newspaper published Sunday, Sept. 19, asking drug cartels for a truce.

Chavez publicly criticizes reporter from French radio network

The chain Radio France Internationale (RFI) came out in defense of its correspondent in Caracas, Venezuela, journalist Andreína Flores, whom President Hugo Chavez during a press conference accused of being ignorant and wanting to manipulate information, reported El Universal.

Austin Forum participants call for better protection of journalists covering drug trafficking, organized crime

Forty-five journalists and representatives from media organizations from 20 countries gathered Sept. 17-18, 2010, in Austin, Texas, for the 8th Austin Forum on Journalism in the Americas. The Forum is organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas and the Open Society Foundations' programs for Latin America and the media.

Brazilian candidate blocks publication of election polls

Beto Richa (PSDB), a candidate for governor of Paraná state won an Electoral Court ruling preventing media outlets from publishing poll results by several media outlets including Vox Popili, commissioned by TV Bandeirantes; Datafolha, commissioned by Folha de S. Paulo; and Ibope, commissioned by RPCTV; Terra and iG report. The polls had not changed their methodology since they originally registered with the Electoral Court.

Colombian reporter says computer theft is tied to journalist wiretapping scandal

Thieves made off with computers and several USB drives from the house of Ignacio Gómez, a TV news host and the president of the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP). For the journalist, one of the targets of illegal spying by the Administrative Department of Security (Colombia’s intelligence agency – DAS), this is the fifth robbery in seven years.