
Plot of new television series revolves around the challenges of journalism in Mexico

On Monday, Aug. 8, debuts a television series in Mexico, Octavo Mandamiento (Eighth Commandment), about the problems Mexican journalists. A production of Argos TV for Channel 3 from movie and television producer Epigmenio Ibarra, the series will revolve around the owners of a Mexican newspaper.

Violence and corruption in Mexico will be addressed from the journalistic point of view, according to Argos TV.

The plot also will address journalistic problems such as the killing of journalists and the way the press is forced to tackle themes such as the government's war on drug trafficking, reported Vanguardia.

"Octavo Mandamiento" touches on how "certain higher powers attack the press, how the worst enemies of the journalists are the journalists themselves," according to television critic Álvaro Cueva in the newspaper Milenio.