On Wednesday April 23, Mexican writer and journalist Elena Poniatowska received the Cervantes Prize at the University of Alcalá in Henares, near Madrid, Spain, according to the newspaper El Universal.
The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji), one of the most important and active journalism organizations in the country, was chosen as the 2013 Personality of the Year by the Make a Difference Awards, which have been organized by the Brazilian newspaper O Globo for the last 11 years. The newspaper made the announcement on Saturday Jan. 27, and highlighted Abraji’s contributions to freedom of expression and information in the country.
After having received 1,379 submissions from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula, the International Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Awards announced on Wednesday the winners of its first edition. They are journalists Alejandro Almazán, Esteban Felix, Lucio Castro and Olga Lucía Lozano.
For photographer, documentary maker and University of Texas journalism professor Donna DeCesare, full immersion is the only way for a journalist to build the deep relationships of mutual trust necessary to report truthfully about a conflict.
Brazilian investigative reporter Mauro König, Colombian magazine Semana’s editor-in-chief Alejandro Rubino Santos and U.S. journalists Jon Lee Anderson and Donna DeCesare, both of whom have focused on covering Latin America for several decades, are the four journalists who will receive this year’s prestigious Maria Moors Cabot Prize.
Despite difficulties in obtaining public records and information from both the U.S. and Mexican governments, reporters with Univision’s investigative unit were able to uncover numerous unknown details about the controversial gun-smuggling scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious.
The Foundation for New Ibero-American Journalism, FNPI, and the city of Medellín, Colombia have launched the new Gabriel García Márquez International Journalism Award.
In a video interview with the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas during Investigative Reporters and Editors' 34th conference last week, where von Bertrab and the New York Times' David Barstow received the organization's 2012 award in the large print/online category, the Mexican journalist adviced her colleagues to take advantage now of the freedom and access gained from these types of laws.
The Press Club of Mexico recognized on June 7, Freedom of Expression Day in Mexico, the work of Ana Lilia Pérez with the medal of "Defender of Freedom and Promoter of Progress"
Renowned Mexican journalist Sandra Rodríguez Nieto was selected as one of Harvard University's 2014 Nieman Fellows.
The independent Mexican journalist Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her research on the network of bribery and corruption that was a key part of Wal-Mart de México’s expansion strategy, recounted to the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas how she joined the investigation begun by David Barstow of the New York Times into the Mexican operations of the world’s largest supermarket chain.
Mexican journalist Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab won the Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism this year, the Pulitzer Prize board announced on Monday.