Three Mexican journalists in the states of Oaxaca, Veracruz and Guanajuato have been killed in the span of a week.
A Paraguayan radio host was shot and killed in his home on June 19, just over one month after another radio reporter was killed on the same region, near the border with Brazil. Édgar Fernández Fleitas was a known critic of the local justice system and could have been killed in retribution for criticisms he made of local officials, according to newspaper ABC Color.
Paraguayan journalist Fausto Gabriel Alcaraz was shot and killed on Friday May 16 in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero, on the border with Brazil, several local media outlets reported.
Between January and April 2014, 47 attacks against journalists and media outlets took place across different cities in Peru, according to a recent report by the human rights office of Peru's National Association of Journalists (ANP). In average, a journalist was a victim of attacks, threats or judicial persecution once every four days.
Mexican journalists in Veracruz and other groups marched on Monday, April 28, to commemorate reporter Regina Martínez, who was killed two years ago on the same day, according to Proceso magazine.
In their presentation before the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned that most of the 18 killings of journalists committed in 2013 continue to go unpunished.
A bomb planted by unknown men detonated in front of a home belonging to Peruvian journalist Yofré López Sifuentes in the early hours of Tuesday April 22, according to the daily La República.
The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) renewed its call for justice on the 16th anniversary of the murder of Colombian journalist Nelson Carvajal. IAPA once again insisted that authorities investigate and prosecute the crime, a request the organization has made since the case was opened in 2001.
The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) asked Peru’s Supreme Court to clear up the murder of radio journalist Alberto Rivera Fernández and to bring those who ordered the crime to justice.
Sixty-six aggressions against the Mexican press were registered during the first quarter of 2014 according to a report published April 22 by the freedom of expression and information organization Article 19.
Only 19 percent of all registered cases of journalists’ homicides and disappearances have been heard by a judge and only 10 percent of those have ended in a sentencing, leaving Mexico’s impunity index at 89 percent, according to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) in a press release on April 20.
On a typically hot and rainy night in the southwestern part of Guerrero, several gunmen briskly walked inside an Internet cafe owned and operated by a married couple who both practiced journalism.