Brazilian construction workers who have been on strike for several weeks threw stones at the headquarters of the newspaper Diário do Nordeste, in Fortaleza, capital of the Brazilian state of Ceará, in the northeast of Brazil, during the morning of Tuesday, May 29, reported the Portal Imprensa. The workers are on strike protesting a salary adjustment.
After more than one month in captivity, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC in Spanish) released the French journalist Roméo Langlois in the middle of the jungle in the Caquetá Department to the Humanitarian Mission led by Human Rights activist Piedad Córdoba on Wednesday, May 30, the news site Telesur reported.
An Argentine journalist received a death threat by an unknown gunman while trying to enter the radio studio where the journalist works, in the city of 9 de Julio, in the province of Buenos Aires, reported the newspaper Perfil.
A Honduran court ordered the arrest of three more suspects in the kidnapping and killing of radio journalist Alfredo Villatoro, reported the newspaper El Heraldo. The suspects arrested are Marvin Alonso Gómez, Osmán Fernando Osorio Arguijo, and Edgar Francisco Osorio Arguijo, who are accused of conspiracy and illegal arms possession, according to La Tribuna. Their arrests make a total of eight suspects detained for the crime against the journalist, who was the news director for HRN, one of the most influential radio stations in Honduras, said the newspaper La Prensa.
The mayor of the Brazilian city Barra dos Bugres (in Mato Grosso) grabbed a reporter by the neck when she was trying to interview him for the TV channel Independência, which is affiliated with the station Record, on Thursday, May 24, reported the newspaper O Dia. The attack happened during a City Council event that took place in a stadium of that city.
As a consequence of complaints made to the Journalists Association of La Paz by a former commander of the National Police of Bolivia, a Bolivian journalist denied being guilty of extortion and said that he was threatened, reported the newspaper La Razón.
Miguel Ángel López Solana, son of the Mexican columnist brutally killed in the state of Veracruz along with his family in June 2011, described to participants of the 10th annual Austin Forum on Journalism in the Americas the ordeals he faced to flee Mexico because of fear that his life was in jeopardy.
The Venezuelan Public Prosecutor initiated an investigation into the attacks against official media journalists from the National Public Media (SNMP in Spanish), on Thursday, May 24, reported El Universal. The investigation was announced by Attorney General Luisa Ortega Díaz on the Venezuelan National Radio station's Thursday show.
On Friday, May 25, a Brazilian journalist was arrested in Syria, and then let free by local authorities shortly after the arrest, according to the news agency EFE.
The Mexican newspaper Reforma said that the house of editor Lázaro Ríos Cavazos was raided on the night of Tuesday, May 22, according to the Wednesday's newspaper edition.
Outraged by the killing of 22 journalists in Honduras since January 2010, communication workers from this country marched to protest the impunity of crimes against journalists and to demand protection of freedom of expression on Friday, May 25, Day of the Journalist in Honduras, reported the newspaper Proceso.
After the killing of his family and five of his colleagues, Mexican reporter and photographer Miguel Ángel López Solana urged journalistic organizations to protect journalists in the state of Veracruz on Tuesday, May 22, during the 10th annual Austin Forum on Journalism in the Americas, themed Security and Protection for Journalists and organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas and the Open Society Foundations.