
IFEX-ALC calls for investigation into possible act of retaliation against CAinfo’s work

"IFEX-ALC is concerned over the 11 July theft of computers and an external hard drive from the home of CAinfo president Fabián Werner and his partner, journalist María Natalia Rodríguez.

The theft took place within a context of increasing hostility against the media in Uruguay, which was highlighted by CAinfo in its 7th Threats Monitoring Report. In the report, CAinfo documented 49 cases of threats against freedom of expression between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021.

We call on the Uruguayan authorities, particularly the police and Public Prosecutor’s Office, to conduct a prompt investigation into the theft and to determine whether the crime was perpetrated in retaliation for the work that Werner and Rodríguez carry out as members of CAinfo."


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