

Uruguay’s mining minister calls for suspension of law regulating sale of broadcast stations

“Uruguay’s Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), Fernanda Cardona, has asked President Yamandú Orsi to suspend the implementation of the regulatory decree for the new Media Law, which was signed in February by former President Luis Lacalle Pou just two weeks before handing over office. According to the ministry, the decree includes provisions not […]

Uruguayan court rules sports journalist was sexually harassed in case against news channel

A Uruguayan court ruled on Dec. 3 in favor of sports journalist Ana Inés Martínez against Channel 10. It upheld the journalist's claim for sexual harassment, but dismissed compensation for workplace harassment. Martínez alleged that she was fired from the news program Subrayado in December 2023 after having been a victim of sexual harassment and […]

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President of Uruguay vetoes controversial article of new media law on 'impartiality' of the press

"This Thursday [Aug. 8], the House of Representatives of Uruguay approved a new media law with a controversial article on the 'impartiality' of information that, as expected, was vetoed hours later by President Luis Lacalle Pou. [...] Article 72 established 'the duty to provide citizens with information, analysis, opinions, comments and assessments in a complete, […]

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Uruguay Chamber of Deputies approves media law with article on 'impartiality' of the press

“[On July 8, Uruguay's] Chamber of Deputies approved the law on the Regulation of Audiovisual Content Broadcasting Services, commonly known as the media law, with 50 out of 91 votes. [...] In the middle of the discussion for the approval of the text there were tensions due to an article on the 'impartiality' of the […]

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Uruguayan mayor convicted of rape insults and threatens to hit journalist as he leaves court

“The conviction of Humberto Allende, the mayor of [the city of] Cerro de las Cuentas [in the department of Cerro Largo, Uruguay], for sexual abuse had a controversial and televised closure: Allende threatened to hit and insulted a journalist who was covering the case and was seeking a statement [...] The  journalist is Valeria Coronel. […]

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IACHR reacts to new media bill in Uruguay and asks legislators to 'protect respect for international standards on freedom of expression'

“Through its X account, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed its concern about the media bill, approved on May 14 in the [Uruguayan] Senate, and asked the Chamber of Deputies to 'protect respect for international standards on freedom of […]

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Uruguay: Subrayado director sued for reporting on COVID-19 case during pandemic

"The designer Carmela Hontou sued journalist Nelson Fernández, current director of Subrayado (Canal 10), and the Argentine newspaper La Nación, for the news article in which they reported that she was responsible for infecting more than 20 people with COVID-19 in a wedding held in March 2020, when the disease had just arrived in Uruguay. […]

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Uruguayan press freedom organization concerned about Ministry of the Interior's alleged investigation of journalist's sources

“The Center for Archives and Access to Public Information (Cainfo) expresses its concern about the internal investigation organized by the Ministry of the Interior [of Uruguay] to investigate the sources of journalist Eduardo Preve for journalistic publications about the use of the device known as ' The Guardian' and other cases involving the police. The […]

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Last year there were 66 cases of threats to freedom of press in Uruguay, according to report

"For the first time in three years, there was no increase in cases of threats against freedom of expression or restrictions on the work of journalists [in Uruguay]. This was revealed by the Center for Archives and Access to Public Information (Cainfo, by its Spanish acronym) in its ninth annual report, which detected 66 cases […]

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Uruguay: Photojournalist Manuela Aldabe wins the Jelen Award for Written Journalism

"Photojournalist Manuela Aldabe was the winner of the VII Marcelo Jelen National Written Press Award for her coverage of the Aramaya Hotel fire, which occurred on Oct. 17, 2022. In the premises, which operated in the orbit of Mides as a shelter for mothers with children, a 31-year-old woman died and two of her children […]

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Uruguay: Alleged spying on journalist by police chief under investigation

"[...] Journalist Gabriel Pereyra (Radio Sarandí, VTV) denounced last weekend through his Twitter account that a police chief at the Intelligence Service had ordered for him to be monitored and followed. 'The third in command in the Police Intelligence Service ordered surveillance on my person. The president [of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou] and the minister […]

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'I took care of him': Uruguayan senator Gabriela Bianchi on journalist

"In a fiery criticism of Uruguayan journalism and the 'role' it plays in today's society, Graciela Bianchi, senator of the National Party and on several occasions interim vice-president of the Republic [of Uruguay], questioned Eduardo Preve from Salta. Preve is the director of the news program of TV Ciudad (a channel belonging to the Municipality […]