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Roche Award for Health Journalism open for submissions

"Roche and the Gabo Foundation tech department invite all interested parties to participate in the tenth edition of the Roche Award 2022, which recognizes excellence and quality journalistic coverage on health issues. [...] Registrations will be available from March 28th to June 27th, 2022. Journalists interested in participating may submit their work in the categories […]

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Journalists Association of El Salvador warns of possible 'criminalization' against El Faro local news outlet for reporting on gangs

"The Journalists Association of El Salvador (APES, by its Spanish acronym) expressed its solidarity this Saturday, April 9, with the local news outlet El Faro and denounced an 'apparent process of criminalization for their journalistic work' against two of its members. 'In the last few hours, it became known a possible filing of a notice […]

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UNP declares a Day of Mourning for Ecuadorian Journalism on the anniversary of the murder of journalists from El Comercio

"The National Union of Journalists of Ecuador declared this Friday, April 8, 2022, as the Mourning Day of Ecuadorian Journalism. The organization commemorates this date in tribute to Javier Ortega, Efraín Segarra and Paúl Rivas, the journalistic team of EL COMERCIO, who was kidnapped and killed by dissidents on the northern border. During a commemorative […]

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Cuba: Political police interrogate and threaten journalist Anay Remón with taking her to prison

"Independent journalist Anay Remón García was questioned and threatened this Thursday afternoon, April 8, by two political police agents. During her interrogation, in the Zanja police unit, belonging to the municipality of Centro Habana, regime officials threaten to put her in jail because of her collaboration with the unofficial media outlet CubaNet. 'In short, what […]

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Brazil: Organizations sign statement against provisions that threaten journalism in the 'Fake News Law'

"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) and other civil society organizations signed this Wed., April 6, a joint statement in which they request the complete withdrawal of the provisions on parliamentary immunity and remuneration for journalistic content from bill 2630 /2020, known as 'PL das Fake News' ['Fake News Initiative']. This public demonstration is […]

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News outlet ‘Divergentes’, from Nicaragua, and Mexican photographer Sáshenka Gutiérrez are among winners of the Ortega y Gasset awards

"The jury of the 39th edition of the Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards, met this Wednesday, April 6, at the headquarters of EL PAÍS in Madrid, and announced the winners. (...) In the category of Best Multimedia Coverage, the special 'The challenge behind the massacre: Memory, truth, justice, and non-repetition,' published by the Nicaraguan media […]

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In Mexico, there are 50% more murders of journalists with AMLO than with Peña Nieto and Calderón: Article 19

"For the civil organization Article 19 there is no doubt: the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is already the most violent against journalists and the media since records have been kept. This was stated this Tuesday, April 5, at a press conference held by Leopoldo Maldonado, director of the organization that defends […]

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Guatemalan journalist Juan Luis Font leaves the country after former official accuses him of ‘unlawful association’

"Guatemalan authorities should immediately dismiss criminal proceedings against journalist Juan Luis Font, allow him to work freely without fear of reprisal, and stop using lawsuits to harass members of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. In late March 2022, the country’s former communications minister Alejandro Sinibaldi brought a criminal case against Font, […]