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Peruvian journalist Carlos Yofré López convicted in one criminal defamation case, on trial in another

"Peruvian authorities should drop criminal defamation charges against journalist Carlos Yofré López and prosecutors should not contest López’s appeal of his conviction in a separate criminal defamation case, the Committee to Protect Journalists [CPJ] said today [Aug. 31]. Both cases allege criminal defamation due to the journalist’s investigative work. In one case, López, a reporter […]

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IACHR issues precautionary measures for two journalists from Canal 2 of Cali, in Colombia

"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued resolution 69/2021 on Aug. 28, 2021, by which it granted precautionary measures in favor of José Alberto Tejada Echeverri and Jhonatan Buitrago, in Colombia, after considering that they are in a situation of seriousness and urgency of risk of irreparable damage to their rights. The request indicates […]

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Confidencial Radio and Onda Local, programs critical of Ortega regime, are taken off the air in Nicaragua

"Two radio programs critical of the Ortega regime, Confidencial Radio and Onda Local, were suspended by Radio Corporación, in which they were broadcast, on the grounds that they are related to a money laundering case against the Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation." Read original article (in Spanish)

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Guatemalan journalists association condemns 'judicial harassment' against La Hora

“This Friday [Aug. 28], the Guatemalan journalistic association condemned the ‘judicial harassment’ suffered by the local newspaper La Hora, whose directors have been criminally accused of violence against women by the official Alejandra Carrillo. The Association of Journalists of Guatemala (APG, for its acronym in Spanish) indicated in a press release that it 'repudiates' the […]

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Brazilian courts censor four reports published in the press in less than a week

"Brazilian courts censored four reports published by journalistic media [O Globo, piauí and RBS TV] in less than a week. The decisions were made by different courts and tribunals — Amazonas, Federal District, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul ... The censorship imposed by the magistrates was widely criticized by journalistic organizations, defenders […]

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Assassination of director of Colombia's La Opinion: Process opened and arrest warrant issued against ELN members

"Last Friday, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation made a new decision in the investigation carried out into the murder of Eustorgio Colmenares Baptista, director of the newspaper La Opinion, which occurred on March 12, 1993 at his home in Cúcuta [Colombia]. Through the intermediary of the First Specialized Prosecutor's Office of […]

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Journalist and family suffer attack with explosives in Ecuador

"Journalist Mario Pinto from MP Noticias suffered an attack with an explosive device on the night of Aug. 25 at his home, located in the north center of Machala [Ecuador]. At 10:15 p.m. a neighbor of the communicator began to shout towards the windows of the house that a stick of dynamite had been thrown. […]

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Gênero e Número and RSF invite Brazilian women and LGBTQIA+ journalists to participate in online survey

"Gênero e Número and Reporters Without Borders Brazil invite women journalists and LGBTQIA+ journalists to respond to an online survey for the study 'The impact of disinformation and political violence on the internet against women and LGBTQIA+ journalists and communicators during the pandemic.' The objective of the research is to deepen investigation into the conditions […]

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Brazilian journalist and blogger are targets of attacks

"A journalist and a blogger were targets of attacks in Magé, Baixada Fluminense, and the police do not rule out that the case has a political character. The most recent attack took place on Tuesday (Aug. 17). Journalist Vinicius Lourenço only escaped because the car is armored. Four shots were fired, one at the driver's […]

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Former candidate to Peruvian Congress asks the court to order news site Ojo Público to remove report from the internet

"The former district councillor and former candidate for Congreso de Solidaridad Nacional (today Renovación Popular), Freddy Pinto Pazos, filed a Habeas Data to get the courts to order OjoPúblico to eliminate a report, which revealed the participation of the prosecutor's office and the Anti-Drug Prosecutor's Office in a process of expired ownership [when property of […]