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Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru sign declaration to combat electoral disinformation

"Representatives of electoral institutions from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru signed a declaration in Quito with the aim of jointly combating false news and disinformation generated around electoral processes. [...] Among the commitments of the meeting, the participants reiterated their intention to continuously apply good regional practices for verifying information (factchecking) and actions against disinformation […]

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IACHR expands precautionary measures in favor of journalist Miguel de los Ángeles Mora Barberena in Nicaragua

"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued Resolution 61/2021 on Aug. 11, 2021, by which it granted precautionary measures in favor of Miguel de los Ángeles Mora Barberena, after considering that he is in a serious and urgent situation of risk of irreparable damage to his rights. According to the request, Mr. Mora continued […]

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In Mexico, official advertising continues to be exercised under discretionary practices and without due transparency: Article 19

"Analysis of the final expenditure on official advertising for the year 2020, obtained through the Social Communication System (COMSOC, for its acronym in Spanish) belonging to the Ministry of Public Administration, indicates that 2,248 million pesos were exercised, out of a total of 2,452 million approved for that fiscal year. This means that the federal […]

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Abraji's International Investigative Journalism Congress broadens range of topics, guests and regions

"Abraji's 16th International Investigative Journalism Congress will last seven days (August 23-29). There are 70 hours of workshops, lectures and debates that will be available for 30 days on the event platform. For the second year in a row, due to the health and economic crisis, registration is free. But participants are invited to donate […]

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Journalist attacked in a pro-Bolsonaro demonstration for using red cell phone

"Journalist Reinaldo Galhardo gave a statement this Thursday (Aug. 12, 2021), at the station of the 2nd Police District of Sorocaba, in the interior of São Paulo, about the aggressions he suffered in a demonstration in favor of President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) and for the printed vote. The owner of site Station News Sorocabahad […]

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Ecuadoran government wants to sell media seized during Rafael Correa administration

“[Ecuadoran] Secretary of Communication, Eduardo Bonilla, assured that the government wants to put up for sale the private media seized during the administration of Rafael Correa, incorporated into the public system in 2017 by the former president of the country, Lenín Moreno. "There is the political will to sell all the seized private media," Bonilla […]

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Law against 'judicial harassment,' new proposal in Colombian Senate

"More than 30 congress members filed a bill against judicial harassment of journalists and social leaders, whom people try to silence through guardianships, complaints and million-dollar. Voices from the judicial sector point out that the bill may be ambiguous and redundant. A few days ago, Senator Rodrigo Lara Restrepo filed the bill with the Secretary […]

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Journalist Marisol Balladares and her daughter flee Nicaragua and fight to enter the United States

"Journalist Marisol Balladares Blanco and her daughter Gloria Elena Escorcia Balladres are the most recent faces of the persecution and the collateral effects of the harassment against freedom of expression and freedom of the press suffered by journalists in Nicaragua. Balladares and her daughter left everything behind in their native country due to the harassment they […]

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Call is now open for Latam Network of Young Journalists

“As every year, Distintas Latitudes and the Factual organization call on young journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as students or recent graduates of communication, film, journalism, international relations and the like, and people who create content with a journalistic sense, to apply for our call to join the sixth generation (2021-2021) […]

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IACHR will study the case of journalists Julio Daniel Chaparro and Jorge Torres who were killed in Colombia

"The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) and the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP), representatives of the Chaparro and Torres families, celebrate the decision taken by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to study the case of the journalists Julio Daniel Chaparro and Jorge Torres, who were assassinated on April 24, 1991. This decision is a […]