"Reporters Without Borders (RSF) deplores the extremely tense climate for journalists in Brazil after a series of press freedom violations in recent weeks, including the murders of two journalists. The authorities must punish those responsible and protect media personnel throughout the country, RSF says. [...] Weverton Rabelo Fróes, 32, a radio show host and humourist […]
"'Se ela fosse loira e de olho azul, você não estava enchendo o saco dela', disse uma funcionária da CNN para outra colaboradora responsável pela edição das entradas ao vivo. Segundo relatos, a jornalista Basília Rodrigues foi alvo de uma perseguição com motivação racista, o que gerou incômodo entre profissionais da emissora. Basília é comentarista […]
"In the early morning of April 14, unknown persons detonated a Molotov cocktail against the car of journalist Roberto Sánchez Mamani, of La Estación radio in Tacna, a region in the south of the country. The incident happened at the door of the radio station where Sánchez works." Read original article (in Spanish)
"Mexico will hold the largest elections in its history on June 6, 2021. Candidates will run for, among other offices, the federal Chamber of Deputies, governorships in 15 states, and mayor in hundreds of municipalities. [...] CPJ Emergencies has compiled a safety kit for journalists covering the elections. The kit contains information for editors, reporters, and photojournalists on […]
Latin American photographers were among the category winners of the 2021 World Press Photo Contests. The awards are presented by the World Press Photo Foundation, and go to "the best visual journalism of the past year." The Latin American winners are: 1st prize in the Contemporary Issues, singles category: Pablo Tosco of Argentina for the photo […]
"The Consortium to Support Journalism in the Region (CAPIR, for its acronym in Spanish) calls on local independent media and independent journalists from Mexico to participate in a national or local journalistic investigation project which will be carried out between May and December 2021. More than one proposal can be submitted per media outlet, group […]
"In his antidemocratic obsession to destroy voices that are critical of him or don’t render him homage, President Nayib Bukele wields all available tools of the state as a machine of persecution. The government of El Salvador is doing whatever it can to quiet anyone who thinks differently or critically examines it. At the end […]
"En su obsesión antidemocrática por destruir a las voces críticas o que no le rinden pleitesía, el presidente Nayib Bukele presiona a todo su aparato de Estado para que funcione como una maquinaria de persecución y denigre a esas voces. El actual Gobierno de El Salvador quiere acallar por cualquier vía a quien piensa distinto […]
"El Consorcio para apoyar el Periodismo en la Región (CAPIR) convoca a medios locales independientes y periodistas independientes de México para que participen en un proyecto de investigación periodística nacional o local cuyo proyecto se llevará a cabo entre mayo y diciembre de 2021. Se puede presentar más de una propuesta por medio, grupo de periodistas o […]
"Mexican Senate Majority Leader Ricardo Monreal’s proposed bill to regulate social media networks could severely restrict free speech in Mexico, Human Rights Watch said today. The bill would require companies to censor broadly defined categories of online content in violation of international norms currently in force. Senator Monreal should withdraw his proposal." Read original article
"El proyecto legislativo para regular redes sociales que propuso el líder de la mayoría en el Senado mexicano, Ricardo Monreal, podría limitar gravemente la libertad de expresión en México, señaló hoy Human Rights Watch. El proyecto exigiría a las empresas censurar categorías amplísimas de contenidos en línea, lo cual contraviene las normas internacionales actualmente en […]
“Officers of the sanctioned Sandinista police seized the cell phone of journalist Carlos Larios of newspaper La Prensa when he was covering the siege and persecution of presidential candidates of Nicaragua, Medardo Mairena, George Henríquez and Luis Fley, who were detained at the international airport. 'I came to the Managua international airport to cover the […]