"On March 1, the Justice of Rio de Janeiro accepted an appeal by Jornal da Cidade Online against Aos Fatos and its executive director, Tai Nalon, in which it accused them of crimes of defamation and unfair competition. The appeal was a response to a previous decision from the TJ-RJ, of September 2020, which had […]
"A Justiça do Rio de Janeiro aceitou no último dia 1º de março recurso do Jornal da Cidade Online contra Aos Fatos e sua diretora executiva, Tai Nalon, em que os acusa de crimes de difamação e concorrência desleal. A apelação foi uma resposta a decisão anterior do TJ-RJ, de setembro de 2020, que havia […]
"On Feb. 23, the 26th Criminal Court of São Paulo state issued an arrest order to enforce a five-month prison sentence for [Paulo Cezar de Andrade] Prado, who covers sports and politics on his blog Blog do Paulinho, in relation to a criminal defamation case that has been ongoing since 2016, according to Prado and […]
"On Feb. 23, the 26th Criminal Court of São Paulo state issued an arrest order to enforce a five-month prison sentence for [Paulo Cezar de Andrade] Prado, who covers sports and politics on his blog Blog do Paulinho, in relation to a criminal defamation case that has been ongoing since 2016, according to Prado and […]
"On March 9, 2021, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued Resolution 24/21, by which it granted precautionary measures of protection in favor of Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces, after considering that, in the framework of his work as an independent journalist, he is in a serious and urgent situation of risk of irreparable […]
"The Gabo Foundation and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), announce the Grant for journalistic production on forced displacement in Latin America. This scholarship seeks to stimulate the production and publication of a journalistic work with a multimedia component that investigates the challenges for inclusion faced by displaced people in Latin America, both in […]
"The Cabot Prizes Board looks for exceptional and courageous reporting that impacts society, and evidence of commitment to important stories over the course of a long and distinguished career. Nominations are now open. The deadline to submit nominations is March 26, 2021. This award is given to journalists who, in their work and throughout their […]
"Colombian journalists Claudia Gurisatti (general vice president of communications media of organization Ardilla Lülle) and Vicky Dávila (director of Semana magazine) have received threats from FARC dissidents, according to police director, General Jorge Luis Vargas. 'All security measures have been adopted, for the case, in order to guarantee the life and integrity of these recognized […]
"The Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN), the Pulitzer Center's new initiative for investigative journalism in tropical rainforest regions, has selected its first cohort of Fellows. Thirteen journalists from 10 countries will spend a year producing investigative stories on key issues facing the future of the Amazon, the forests of the Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. The […]
"The Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN), the Pulitzer Center's new initiative for investigative journalism in tropical rainforest regions, has selected its first cohort of Fellows. Thirteen journalists from 10 countries will spend a year producing investigative stories on key issues facing the future of the Amazon, the forests of the Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. The […]
"La Red de Investigaciones de la Selva Tropical (RIN, por sus siglas en inglés), una nueva iniciativa del Centro Pulitzer para el periodismo de investigación en las regiones tropicales, ha seleccionado su primera grupo de becarios. Trece periodistas de 10 países pasarán un año produciendo reportajes de investigación sobre cuestiones clave para el futuro de […]
"On Feb. 25, Victor Hugo Quijada, a Peruvian congressional candidate, filed a criminal defamation lawsuit against Tiburcio, a reporter at the news website Wayka, and Távara, an editor at the outlet, after the website published a story earlier that day alleging he had sexually harassed minors, according to a report by Wayka and Távara, who […]