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Colombia: Putumayo journalists survive with fear on their doorstep

"In the department of Putumayo, in the southwest of Colombia, anyone, including armed groups, knows where the most well-known journalists live. It is enough to tell a cab driver the name of one of the journalists to arrive, in a matter of minutes, at the doors of their homes, which are almost always also their […]

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'How to do journalism under a dictatorship, lessons from Nicaragua': Lecture by Carlos Chamorro at the Reuters Institute

"[...] Last Feb. 15, we 94 Nicaraguan citizens were stripped of our nationality by the regime of Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo, in an illegal, unconstitutional act, and in violation of international treaties signed by the State of Nicaragua. The penalty also includes the loss of our citizenship rights in perpetuity and the […]

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Journalist found dead at Mexico City hotel

"Retired journalist Carlos Acosta was found dead over the weekend in a Mexico City hotel, a case for which the Attorney General's Office announced on Monday the opening of a homicide investigation. The man was found on Saturday [March 4] in a hotel room located in the Ermita neighborhood of the Benito Juarez district, the […]

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Mexican Lydia Cacho wins Raúl del Pozo Journalism Award in Spain

"Mexican journalist, writer and social activist Lydia Cacho won today (March 6) the VIII Raúl del Pozo Opinion Journalism Award, an award that recognizes the contribution to sustaining democratic press and free opinion. The award was announced to EFE by journalist, writer, and language scholar Arturo Pérez-Reverte, a member of the jury, which included Spanish […]

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Article 19 registered more than 400 attacks on journalists in Cuba in 2022

"The press freedom organization Article 19 registered 403 aggressions against independent journalists and activists in Cuba in 2022, 81% committed by the Department of State Security (DSE), as exposed in the report 'Silence and exile: The forced exile of independent journalists in Cuba.' State violence against any critical voice is not new on the island, […]

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‘We will not be silenced,’ Guatemalan journalists said during a protest against the judicial persecution of elPeriódico colleagues

"Nearly a hundred journalists from various media outlets in Guatemala staged a demonstration on Saturday [March 4] in front of the country's Supreme Court in protest for a judge's decision to investigate nine journalists due to their publications on different allegations. The demonstration was also to protest against the case of another journalist critical of […]

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Costa Rica: Journalist Marlon Mora is convicted of defamation in a lawsuit filed by former presidential candidate

"On Monday morning [March 6], the Criminal Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of San José convicted journalist Marlon Mora Jiménez of two counts of defamation against former presidential candidate and criminal lawyer Juan Diego Castro Fernández. According to the [radio] news show 'Interferencia,' the ruling imposed a fine of CRC 600,000 [about US $1,000] […]

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Peruvian government creates protocol for journalists during protests, without journalists' involvement

“Last January, the Governmental Palace [of Peru] gathered with some journalistic unions to develop a ‘Protocol’ that would regulate journalistic coverage during protests, in the midst of several police attacks against reporters. Some [journalists] did not attend, others withdrew along the way, and just a few stayed to the end. Even so, the publication of […]

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Notimex, Mexico's public news agency, has been on strike for over 1,000 days

"The strike at Notimex, Mexico's public news agency, has been going on for more than three years this week and there is no sign of a resolution anytime soon. The Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Notimex [Notimex's union] reported this week that the dialogue table with the Secretaría del Trabajo [Mexico's Labor Department] will be […]

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CPJ calls for Guatemala to halt investigation into elPeriódico journalists

"The Committee to Protect Journalists on Tuesday called on Guatemalan authorities to stop any investigation of columnists and employees of elPeriódico newspaper, release its president José Rubén Zamora unconditionally, and allow the newspaper’s staff to work freely. Judge Jimi Bremer, acting on a request by prosecutor Cinthya Monterroso of the Guatemalan Prosecutor’s Office, ordered an […]