"The guide for journalists and communicators "Brazilian Scenario of Reproductive Injustice for Black Women and Girls" was launched last on Nov. 11 by the Feminist Health Network, Portal Catarinas, Curumim Group and Anis (Institute of Bioethics and Human Rights). In a perspective of greater political and media incidence and with the support of the NGO […]
"With critical levels of violence against the Brazilian press, 2022 did not need its 365 days to surpass the record of aggressions against journalists registered in 2021. Partial data from the monitoring of attacks on the press, conducted by the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, by its Portuguese acronym), reveal 504 cases identified between […]
"Independent reporter Abraham Jiménez Enoa received on Thu. Nov. 17 the International Press Freedom Award granted by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). The Cuban journalist, the only Latin American nominated this year, dedicated the award to his colleagues Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca and Jorge Bello Domínguez, currently imprisoned on the island, during his thank […]
"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) adopted, on Nov. 15, 2022, Resolution 64/2022 by which it extended the precautionary measures in favor of journalist Katya Milady Reyes Ortiz, after considering that she is in a serious and urgent situation given the risk of irreparable harm to her rights to life and personal integrity in […]
"The State of Data Journalism survey aims to generate insights about the data journalism community, the tools and technology used, and capture how data journalism is evolving. After a successful first edition in 2021 with over 1500 participants, the survey is now back. It also includes a special module on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The survey will close […]
"In late September, the Environment Minister of Jair Bolsonaro's government, Joaquim Leite, expressed his intention to explore for oil in the Equatorial Margin, a coastal region that runs from Amapá to Rio Grande do Norte. 'It is certainly possible to do both things together: explore for oil and guarantee environmental protection,' Leite said. However, weeks […]
"Reporter Fernando Henrique de Oliveira, who worked in 2020 as a correspondent in New York for CNN Brazil, is suing the broadcaster for structural racism. The case was revealed by Piauí magazine in a feature story based on the lawsuit, which is now being kept under secrecy. The lawsuit does not accuse any specific person […]
"Bolivian cameraman and news editor Sebastián Méndez Sevilla, from the Facebook news program Noticias Villanas, has been behind bars for more than 48 hours on charges of aggravated robbery and criminal association. He was detained by the police, who also tried to incriminate him by planting a homemade explosive to justify his arrest. The incident […]
"The photojournalist Henry Vivanco has been found dead with signs of torture in a house in Huarquillas, in southern Ecuador. The incident is already being investigated. Vivanco's body was found handcuffed, half-naked, face down, and with signs of violence, explained a brother of the victim, Patricio Vivanco, quoted by the newspaper 'El Universo.' Vivanco was […]
"Independent journalist and political prisoner Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca was admitted to the Combinado del Este hospital, in Havana, due to his serious health condition. [...] [His wife Eralidis] Frómeta visited him a few days earlier in prison and said the journalist had 'something similar to tumors' in his head, with a secretion discharge. 'We […]
"Dozens of journalists marched in white on Sunday through Haiti to denounce the murder of eight of their colleagues this year and demand the country's authorities clarify each case. […] The journalists also reminded the authorities of the warning of the Colectivo de Medios en Línea (CMEL), the organizer of the march, that members of […]
"Groups allegedly related to the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) attacked journalists this Friday [Nov. 11], destroyed press equipment and burned tires at the headquarters of the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz (Cainco). This happened in the middle of the unlocking of the first and second rings of the Santa Cruz […]