"The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, of the UN Human Rights Council, determined that the detention of Venezuelan journalist, Roland Carreño, by the regime of Nicolás Maduro, is arbitrary. In its opinion 48 /2022, it warned that imprisonment is a systematic practice in Venezuela, carried out by the Chavista dictatorship. In October 2020, Carreño was […]
"A photojournalist for the newspaper Correo del Sur in the city of Sucre, Carlos Alberto Rodríguez, was beaten and his mobile phone was taken from him while he was recording the destruction of electoral material at the state university. The National Press Association (ANP, for its initials in Spanish) issued a statement of condemnation against […]
"After a three-day trial and almost ten years after the death of radio broadcaster Valério Luiz, the jury convicted four of the five accused of planning and carrying out the murder. There were declarations for the immediate arrests of Maurício Sampaio, Urbano Malta, Ademá Figueredo and Marcus Vinícius Xavier. The crime happened on July 5, […]
"The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in its 154th Regular Period of Sessions, will deliberate for sentencing in the cases of Santiago Leguizamón and former prosecutor Alejandro Nissen Pessolani. In the case of journalist Santiago Leguizamón, after years without a response or justice, the complaint against the Paraguayan State in the case was presented to […]
"'El emoji de la tapa' [the front page emoji], a project of the social media team of the newspaper La Capital [of Rosario, Argentina], won the Digital Journalistic Innovation Award 2022. The award recognizes journalistic projects that seek to connect with new audiences and news consumption trends in order to democratize access to information. Google […]
"The colleagues of the Union of Journalists of Paraguay (SPP, by its acronym in Spanish) denounced that 'the Sentencing Court formed by the judges Carmen Silva, as president, Mirna Soto González and Ana Aguirre, as members, absolved Waldemar Pereira Rivas -alias Cachorrão- of guilt and punishment for the murder of journalist Leo Veras, which occurred […]
"On Nov. 4, the Venezuelan association Medianálisis presented the book 'Cómo se vive la desinformación' [How disinformation is experienced], written by a group of journalism students. The book consists of two parts: the first was written by practicing Venezuelan journalists and the second by senior journalism students in different universities in Venezuela. In the text, […]
"Four journalists from Venezuela, Cuba, El Salvador and Nicaragua are participating in the fifth Temporary Shelter Program of Reporters Without Borders (RSF, for its acronym in French) in Spain. The program provides them with three months away from their countries to 'disconnect and recover physically and psychologically' from the threats and many other pressures they […]
"Central American journalists have created the Red Centroamericana de Periodistas (Central American Journalists Network). The initiative seeks to work jointly and in a coordinated manner against authoritarianism and the challenges that it brings for freedom of expression and the exercise of independent journalism. The initiative was launched within the framework of the Central American Journalism […]
"In Mexico, a total of 562 cybercrimes of federal jurisdiction against freedom of expression have been registered in the last two and a half years. These crimes range from threats to journalists to computer attacks to take media websites down. This places cybercrimes against freedom of expression as the main incidence to digital platforms for […]
"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, by its Portuguese acronym) and other organizations that work in defense of press freedom and freedom of expression recorded an unprecedented wave of attacks against journalists, photographers, cameramen, and reporters in recent days. After the results of election run-off for the [presidential] elections, supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro […]
"As part of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the organization Article 19 demanded justice for the 156 journalists murdered in Mexico in the last 22 years. Of those, Guerrero ranks second among the states of the country with more journalists murdered and, according to their tally, 17 journalists have been […]