
Awards and Opportunities

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Global Investigative Journalism Conference Moves to Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 19-22, 2023

"The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) is excited to join with two local co-hosts for GIJC23: The Fojo Media Institute at Linnaeus University, and Föreningen Grävande Journalister, Sweden’s national association of investigative journalists. The conference venue is the world-class Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre. The Global Investigative Journalism Conference is the world’s largest international gathering […]

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Mexican journalist Juan Villoro wins the Gabo Prize 2022 Award for Excellence

"The Gabo Foundation announced as the winner of the Gabo Award 2022 Recognition of Excellence Award the Mexican writer and journalist Juan Antonio Villoro Ruiz, one of the most important voices of commentary and literature today, and an exceptional interpreter and narrator of the social, cultural and political realities of Mexico, Latin America and the […]

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Open call for submissions to LATAM Network for young journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean

"As every year, Distintas Latitudes and the organization Factual made an open call to apply to join the seventh cohort (2022-2023) of the LATAM Network of Young Journalists, a unique initiative in the region. It is open to young journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as young people who have studied communication, […]

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Mongabay extends grant application deadline to Sept. 10 for young environmental journalists

"The climate crisis, the accelerated loss of forests, the threats against Indigenous communities that protect diverse ecosystems and the overexploitation of the seas are some of the major issues that need to be covered with urgency and continuity. However, young journalists interested in tackling these issues in Latin America find it difficult to find a […]

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Inter American Press Association grants ‘in memoriam’ award to journalists murdered in Mexico

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) awarded the Grand Prize for Press Freedom in memoriam to the 13 Mexican journalists killed since last October to date and announced the winners of the Awards for Excellence in Journalism 2022 in its 15 categories. The awarded works, selected among more than one thousand applications, include journalists from […]

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Fundamedios launches call to strengthen investigative journalism in Ecuador

"From July 18 to August 11, 2022, journalists living in Ecuador can apply for Investiga Tour Ecuador, an itinerant newsroom that will offer five grants of between $800 and $1,000 to publish investigative journalistic pieces on the subject of illegal logging in the Amazon. And they will also offer editorial support during reporting, production and […]

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Open call for Media Party, an innovative media conference in Latin America

“More than 2,500 entrepreneurs, journalists, developers and designers from around the world will gather to 'think about the future of the media industry' at the tenth edition of the #MediaParty, one of the most important innovation conferences in Latin America to be held on August 25, 26 and 27 at Ciudad Cultural Konex, Buenos Aires, […]

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Brazilian data journalism school to hold its first Amazon regional edition of its conference on data journalism and digital methods

"The Brazilian Conference on Data Journalism and Digital Methods will be holding its seventh edition in 2022, consolidating itself as the main event of data journalism and innovation in Latin America. This year, in addition to the traditional meeting in São Paulo, the first regional edition will be held: Coda Amazônia [coding the Amazon], with […]

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Call for submissions - Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice in the Americas

"The International Women’s Media Foundation is pleased to provide grants to support reporting focused on reproductive rights in the U.S. and Latin America. These grants support reporting of untold stories surrounding issues that impact people’s daily lives in the region. A strong preference will be given to multimedia transnational reporting teams focusing on opposition to […]

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Brazil: Registration for the 17th Abraji Congress is now open

"As of this Tuesday, July 5, 2022, registrations are open for one of the largest journalistic meetings in Latin America. Promoted by Abraji since 2005, the 17th International Congress of Investigative Journalism takes place from Aug. 3 to 7, in a hybrid format, with more than 80 activities and nearly 200 speakers. 'We faced the […]

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Call for journalists wishing to receive training and grants to cover migration in Latin America

"The DW Akademie in partnership with Escuela Cocuyo and El Faro, and with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, are launching the largest editorial room training on migration coverage in Latin America: Puentes de Comunicación III [Communication Bridges III]. 60 journalists will be trained alongside expert editors. The best 15 entries submitted at […]