
Awards and Opportunities

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New round of the Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge in Latin America

"We are delighted to announce the third edition of the Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge for Latin America, designed to stimulate innovation around creating a more sustainable and diverse news ecosystem in the region. (...) In this third edition for the region, we want to promote innovative projects focused (but not limited) in the following […]

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Repórter Brasil offers reporting grants to investigate the financing of socio-environmental violations

"Between 2016 and 2021, banks invested US $37.7 billion in credit to 24 mining companies at high risk of generating deforestation and human rights violations in the world's three largest rainforest areas. Banks from the United States, Japan and Canada are among major funders. In November 2021, Vale, the largest Brazilian company in the sector, […]

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Roche Award for Health Journalism open for submissions

"Roche and the Gabo Foundation tech department invite all interested parties to participate in the tenth edition of the Roche Award 2022, which recognizes excellence and quality journalistic coverage on health issues. [...] Registrations will be available from March 28th to June 27th, 2022. Journalists interested in participating may submit their work in the categories […]

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News outlet ‘Divergentes’, from Nicaragua, and Mexican photographer Sáshenka Gutiérrez are among winners of the Ortega y Gasset awards

"The jury of the 39th edition of the Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards, met this Wednesday, April 6, at the headquarters of EL PAÍS in Madrid, and announced the winners. (...) In the category of Best Multimedia Coverage, the special 'The challenge behind the massacre: Memory, truth, justice, and non-repetition,' published by the Nicaraguan media […]

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Pulitzer Center and Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund offer grants for reporting on the impact of Brazil's elections in the Amazon

"The Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF) and the Pulitzer Center are opening a new, special call for grant applications. Journalists, editors, and independent media organizations are invited to submit a proposal on the impact of Brazil’s elections on the Amazon rainforest. The projects should consider the intersection of upcoming elections for president and Congress and […]

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Call for journalist residencies in Yucatan, Mexico

"The Symbiosis residencies offer selected participants the opportunity to carry out, over the course of a month, a narrative journalism project on the Yucatan Peninsula. Participants will be hosted by Gatopardo in Mérida, where they will work on multimedia reports and receive feedback and editorial support by the Symbiosis team. To be selected, they must […]

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Open call for the Orlando Sierra Scholarship of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the IACHR

"Washington D.C. - The Orlando Sierra Fellowship of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the IACHR offers young journalists or lawyers from the Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), the opportunity to acquire knowledge and experience in the use of the protection mechanisms of the Inter-American Human […]

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Latin American journalists win 5 out of 6 categories in King of Spain Award

"The investigation and the 'live' storytelling of the great challenges facing Ibero-America and the world such as violence, the environmental struggle, political corruption, social rights or cultural integration, are the focus of the six works awarded this Wednesday, March 3 with the International King of Spain Journalism Awards 2022. The winners, from a total of […]

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Brazil: Agência Pública launches micro-grants for indigenous reporters

"Agência Pública has open enrollment for the 15th edition of its journalism micro-grants program, this time aimed at indigenous reporters. Five grants of R$ 7,500 (around USD $1,450) will be distributed to the best proposals that address threats to indigenous lands and peoples [in Brazil]." Read the original story (in Portuguese)

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Call for Nominations: 2022 ICFJ Knight International Journalism Awards

"Each year, the International Center for Journalists honors outstanding colleagues with the ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award at our Tribute to Journalists. We are now seeking nominees whose pioneering coverage or media innovations have made an impact on the lives of people in their countries or regions. Candidates can be reporters, editors, technologists, media managers […]

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Brazil: 17th Abraji Investigative Journalism Congress will be hybrid

"Among the most important journalism conferences in Latin America, Abraji's International Congress of Investigative Journalism will have an unprecedented format in 2022. For the first time, the event will be hybrid: part online and part in person, in São Paulo, Brazil, with public participation. In Abraji 20th anniversary, the 17th Congress will invite leading professionals […]