
Press Freedom

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The Intercept Brazil journalists forced to testify before the police for reporting on the Universal Church

"Journalists from The Intercept will have to testify today [May 9] before the São Paulo Civil Police in an investigation carried out at the request of the Universal Church of Edir Macedo. 'The Church of Mr. Edir is furious that our story revealed secret documents indicating a possible money-laundering operation that, in just five years, […]

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Cuban regime imposes information blockade during social protests in Guantanamo Bay

"The cries for freedom broke out again in Cuba on the night of Sunday, May 7. [...] Slogans already used during the 11J [July 11th] movement, in 2021, and during last year's summer protests were once again heard loud in Caimanera, an eastern municipality located next to the Guantánamo naval base. Hundreds of people took […]

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Last year there were 66 cases of threats to freedom of press in Uruguay, according to report

"For the first time in three years, there was no increase in cases of threats against freedom of expression or restrictions on the work of journalists [in Uruguay]. This was revealed by the Center for Archives and Access to Public Information (Cainfo, by its Spanish acronym) in its ninth annual report, which detected 66 cases […]

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No country in the Americas obtained a rating of ‘good,’ according to the RSF’s 2023 World Press Freedom Index

“According to the 2023 World Press Freedom Index – which evaluates the environment for journalism in 180 countries and territories and is published on World Press Freedom Day (3 May) – the situation is ‘very serious’ in 31 countries, ‘difficult’ in 42, ‘problematic’ in 55, and ‘good’ or ‘satisfactory’ in 52 countries. In other words, […]

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Dominican Republic: Pegasus spyware discovered on journalist’s phone is the first confirmed case in the country

“A high-profile woman journalist in the Dominican Republic has been targeted with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, in the first confirmed case in the country, Amnesty International reveals in a new investigation published on World Press Freedom Day. Analysis by Amnesty International’s Security Lab confirmed that a mobile device belonging to Nuria Piera was targeted and […]

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IAPA on World Press Freedom Day: The overall assessment is 'not very encouraging'

"The 'loss of democratic spaces' in the Americas and the 'precarious situation of sustainability and viability' of the media in the region mark World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated on May 3, according to a message released Tuesday [May 2] by Michael Greenspon, president of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA). According to Greenspon […]

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Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora goes to trial after nine months in jail

On May 2, José Rubén Zamora, president of the Guatemalan newspaper elPeriódico, begins his trial on charges of money laundering, blackmail and influence peddling. The journalist was arrested on July 29, 2022 following the complaint of a witness and after the Guatemalan Public Prosecutor's Office gathered, in just 72 hours, the evidence used to justify […]

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NGO to file injunction in El Salvador's Supreme Court over spying on journalists via Pegasus spyware

"The humanitarian organization Cristosal will file an amparo [injunction] lawsuit with the Supreme Court of El Salvador for failing to investigate the use of state funds for allegedly spying on journalists via Pegasus spyware, one of the organization's lawyers said on Friday (April 28). [Attorney] Jonathan Sisco said that 'we are preparing an amparo lawsuit, […]

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Brazil: Journalist Juliana Dal Piva wins appeal and is acquitted for disclosing threats by Bolsonaro's lawyer

"UOL network journalist Juliana Dal Piva was acquitted of the decision that convicted her for making public the content of messages sent to her by Frederick Wassef, a lawyer of the Bolsonaro family. The messages included discrediting statements and threats by the lawyer against the journalist. On Thursday (April 20), the Court of Justice of […]

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Ecuadorian government commits to strengthen press freedom and journalists' safety after meeting with Fundamedios and CPJ

"The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the Ecuadorian government’s commitment to fund and implement mechanisms that will advance press freedom and improve journalist safety in the country, following a meeting with representatives from CPJ and the local press freedom organization Fundamedios on Tuesday, April 18. The government’s secretary of the administration, Sebastián Corral, agreed during […]

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Daniel Ortega inaugurates a 'cultural center' in the building he expropriated from La Prensa, Nicaragua's oldest newspaper

"The regime of Daniel Ortega inaugurated this Wednesday [April 19] a state technical education center in the building of the legendary newspaper La Prensa, militarily occupied since August 2021 and whose editorial staff went into exile due to the persecution unleashed against its staff. On Aug. 13, 2021, police patrols stormed the newspaper's premises, seized […]

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Mexico: Pío López Obrador sues journalist Carlos Loret de Mola for 11 million dollars

"Carlos Loret de Mora informed that Pío López Obrador sued him and the digital media Latinus for moral and punitive damages, for disclosing videos in which the brother of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is seen receiving envelopes with cash. According to Loret, the President's brother is asking for 200 million [US $11 million dollars] […]