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Documentary reveals challenges of being a journalist in Amazon region

"The Amazon is often a hostile territory for those who fight for freedom of the press and the right to access information. Illegal economies, groups outside the law, political interference and the lack of structure and resources are challenges for journalists, communicators, environmental activists and human rights defenders working in the region. These professionals are […]

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Brazilian Federal Police arrest another suspect in killings of English journalist Dom Phillips and Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira

"The [Brazilian] Federal Police arrested Jânio Freitas de Souza this Thursday (Jan. 18). He is considered the right-hand man of Ruben Dário da Silva Villar, known as 'Colombia,' who is accused of the murders of Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira and English journalist Dom Phillips. Bruno and Dom were killed in 2022, in Vale do Javari, […]

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Venezuelan Public Prosecutor's Office charges journalist covering illegal mining in the Amazon with three crimes

"The National Union of Press Workers reported on Tuesday night, Sept. 12, that journalist Luis Alejandro Acosta was charged with three crimes during his presentation hearing, after being arrested on Sept. 8 in a mine in the Yapacana national park, in Amazonas state. In a publication, the Union informed that the Public Prosecutor's Office, through […]