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Bolsonaro government spied on journalists and fact checking agencies, federal police say

A report released from Brazil's Federal Police this Thursday, July 11, states that the “parallel Abin,” a group suspected of using the structure of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin, for its acronym in Portuguese) between 2019 and 2022 to spy on authorities and institutions critical of the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro, monitored journalists […]

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Journalists harassed while covering conservative congress in Brazil

"CNN reporter Isadora Aires was harassed Sunday morning [July 7] by attendees of the conservative congress CPAC Brasil, which is taking place in [the city of] Balneário Camboriú. [...] The journalist had gone live and was preparing to go on air again, when she was surrounded by a group of people. [...] Some attendees shouted […]

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Brazilian lawmaker sues journalist for reporting on alleged payments for favorable coverage

“Federal Deputy Julia Zanatta has filed civil and criminal lawsuits against journalist Amanda Miranda, who published a report showing the parliamentarian allegedly paid R $5,000 (US $912) to a newspaper in Tijucas [Santa Catarina, Brazil], which allegedly publishes only favorable news about the Bolsonaro supporter. The invoice cites ‘creation and distribution of content for the […]

Abraji condemns press censorship in reports on Arthur Lira, president of Chamber of Deputies

"Abraji considers the escalation of judicial decisions determining the removal of content in cases filed by the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira , against journalists and press outlets as an attack on journalistic work. The situation worsened this week, with a monocratic decision by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Supreme Federal Court (STF, […]

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Journalists injured after reporting car shot at in Rio de Janeiro state

“A reporting team from [Brazil's] TV Record was shot at by criminals in Belford Roxo, in Baixada Fluminense [in the state of Rio de Janeiro], on Tuesday afternoon [June 11]. Reporter Monique Bittencourt and cameraman Thiago Bessa were in a reporting vehicle that was attacked near the community of Castelar. Both were injured, not seriously, […]

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Coalition in Defense of Journalism demands speed from Brazilian State and justice in murder of Dom Phillips

"In the two years since the murders of journalist Dom Phillips and Indigenous affairs expert Bruno Pereira, the Coalition in Defense of Journalism, of which Abraji is a part, demands speedy justice and State action in the case and the growing violence against journalists and defenders of the environment. Dom Phillips, a British reporter, and […]

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Dom Phillips Institute launched to honor British journalist killed in Brazilian Amazon

"The Dom Phillips Institute was launched on June 2, in honor of the British journalist who was murdered in Vale do Javari, in the Brazilian Amazon, in June 2022, together with Indigenous affairs expert Bruno Pereira. Several UN bodies called for investigating the crime and combating illegal actions on Indigenous lands. [...] According to Alessandra […]

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Registration open for 19th Abraji International Investigative Journalism Congress

"Registration is now open for the 19th Abraji International Congress of Investigative Journalism, the largest gathering of journalists in the country and one of the most important in Latin America. The event will be held from July 11 - 14, in São Paulo, at the Álvaro Alvim campus of ESPM. The activities of the Congress […]

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Brazil's Supreme Court recognizes judicial harassment of journalists and sets precedent to inhibit the practice

"Judicial harassment that compromises freedom of expression constitutes the filing of numerous lawsuits regarding the same facts, in different districts, with the intention or effect of constraining a journalist or press organization, making their defense difficult or making it excessively onerous. This is the understanding of [Brazil's] Supreme Federal Court, which decided this Wednesday (May […]

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Brazil's Agência Pública claims to be victim of disinformation campaign after report on congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro

“[Investigative journalism organization] Agência Pública has been targeted by a disinformation campaign allegedly led by federal congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro and other allies since it published the report ‘U.S. Republicans and Bolsonaro's son collaborate to punish Brazil on allegations regarding free speech,’ on April 11, 2024. [...] After publication, Eduardo Bolsonaro and former anchor of [far-right […]