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Men shoot, attack and break equipment of journalists in the Brazilian city of Salvador de Bahía

"Armed criminals threatened teams of reporters from the TV channels Aratu and Band in Águas Claras, Salvador, in Brazil, on the morning of Feb. 1. The journalists were there to report on a homicide that occurred on Santa Tereza Street. The armed men fired into the air near press crews to intimidate the journalists. Band's […]

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Brazil mayor endangers journalist Giovani Grizotti by publicizing picture in video

"Local authorities in the southern Brazilian city of Bagé should stop harassing and attempting to censor investigative journalist Giovani Grizotti and allow the press to do their job without retaliation, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On January 13, Bagé mayor Divaldo Lara and communications officer Roberta Mércio shared a photo they claimed is of investigative […]

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Gender violence against journalists in Brazil totaled 119 cases in 2021, according to report

"During 2021, 89 journalists and media outlets were the target of 119 gender-related attacks related to their profession, which represents almost 10 cases of aggression, abuse, threats and intimidation per month. As a result of monitoring gender-based violence against journalists, carried out by the Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo (Abraji), the data includes attacks involving […]

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Brazilian journalist punched at entrance of the station broadcasted bloodied to denounce attack

“The Prato Limpo (clean plate) show host, Daniel Carniel, claimed to have been attacked on Friday afternoon (Jan. 14) at the door of Adesso TV. He was punched and kicked at the entrance. With a bloody face, Carniel went live and recounted the aggression, defined by him as an "attack." (...) ‘In my show I […]

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Journalists of the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo sign a letter of protest for considering the media's content to be racist

"Journalists from Folha de S.Paulo signed an open letter protesting content they consider racist published in the newspaper. Here is the full text in Portuguese. It was endorsed by 186 journalists, with 164 nominal signatures. In the document, the professionals express their concern about the recurring publication in the newspaper of content they consider racist. […]

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Abraji and Meta announce mentoring and financial support program for journalists in Brazil

"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) and the Meta Journalism Project opened, on Jan. 5, registration for the program Accelerating Digital Transformation, aimed at professionals and students who have participated in one of the three editions of Abraji's local journalism courses. The (previous) trainings addressed both editorial production and sustainability issues and were held between 2019 and […]

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At least 10 deaths of journalists on the Brazil-Paraguay border in the past decade

At least 10 media professionals have been assassinated in the region near the border between Brazil and Paraguay in the last 10 years. Their deaths are largely related to organized crime. However, sometimes crimes are committed in retaliation for political disagreements, unrelated to criminal groups. The most recent case was that of Brazilian Léo Veras, […]

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In Brazil, Abraji resorts to the Federal Supreme Court to request protection for journalists in cases of judicial harassment

"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, by it's Portuguese acronym) presented before the Federal Supreme Court, on Dec. 17, 2021, a Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) requesting greater protection in cases of judicial harassment against journalists, a coordinated practice of a spray of trials against the same target, in order to intimidate journalists. The […]

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Spanish newspaper El País ends its Brazil edition

"The Spanish newspaper El País announced on Dec. 14 the end of publishing in Portuguese. This edition had been published in Brazil since 2013. In a website statement, the newspaper stated that, despite the good audience numbers and those of digital subscribers, the news outlet "did not achieve economic sustainability, which led to the decision to […]

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Journalists suffered a gender-related attack every 3.9 days in Brazil, according to Abraji

"In today's Brazil, marked by political radicalization and constant attacks against press freedom, being a communicator is a challenge. Although this statement applies to Brazilian journalists as a whole, elements such as gender and sexuality makes the task of journalism in the country even more difficult. To give visibility to this problem, the Brazilian Association […]