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Police officer from Rio de Janeiro summons journalist from Intercept Brasil

"The Rio Civil Police Deputy Pablo Dacosta Sartori summoned journalist Leandro Demori, from The Intercept Brasil, to testify on Thursday (June 10, 2021). According to information from the site Metrópoles, the motivation for the subpoena was the May 8 newsletter published by the website, with accusations against civil police officers in Rio de Janeiro. In […]

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ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award to honor Brazilian fact-checker

"The International Center for Journalists will present its 2021 ICFJ Knight International Journalism Awards to Natália Leal, a Brazilian fact-checker who debunked deadly misinformation in that pandemic-ravaged country, and to Pavla Holcová, a Czech reporter who courageously carried on an investigation after the murder of a fellow journalist. Leal is the head of content at […]

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Union of Journalists and Fenaj repudiate attacks on reporter during Bolsonaro march in Brazil

“The SJPMRJ (Union of Professional Journalists of the Municipality of Rio, for its acronym in Portuguese) and Fenaj (National Federation of Journalists - of Brazil) repudiated the attacks on CNN reporter Pedro Duran during coverage of the demonstration promoted yesterday morning [May 23] in Rio de Janeiro by President Jair Bolsonaro. The reporter was prevented […]

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Brazil: Groups linked to law enforcement agencies target journalist and researcher who denounced state violence

"Since last week, lawyer and researcher Alan Kardec Cabral Junior and reporter Thalys Alcântara, from newspaper O Popular, in Goiás, have been facing attacks by groups linked to the Association of Military Police Officers and Goiás Military Fire Brigade (ASSOF -Goiás). The motive is the publication of the article 'Only one in 200 deaths by […]

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Nearly half of Brazilian journalists have never used the Access to Information Law, says survey

“Almost half of [Brazilian] journalists (48.44%) have never made requests through the access to information law to cover stories, according to a survey launched this Monday (May 17) by Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism). The study marks nine years since the implementation of the LAI (Access to Information Law) in Brazil. The law was […]

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Prosecutor asks for protection of journalist who was attacked in Olímpia, São Paulo

"The São Paulo public prosecutor's office requested the Criminal Court of the District of Olímpia, in the northwest region of the State, issue a protective measure in favor of José Antônio Arantes, editor and owner of Folha da Região. The townhouse where the newspaper headquarters is located and which houses the journalist's home was attacked […]

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Brazil: Federal Prosecutor's Office calls for security risk analysis of journalists covering Bolsonaro

"The MPF (federal public prosecutor's office) issued an opinion to the judiciary in which it states that there are risks to journalists covering President Jair Bolsonaro at the Alvorada Palace, the official residence of the president. The document, signed last week and obtained by UOL this Monday (May 3, 2021), asks that measures be taken […]

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Paraguayan prosecutor files complaint against suspected killer of journalist Leo Veras

“One year and two months after the murder of Brazilian journalist Léo Veras, a new complaint was lodged by the public prosecutor's office of Paraguay. Prosecutor Alicia Sapriza, from the Center for the Fight against Organized Crime, accused Waldemar Pereira Rivas, known as “Cachorrão,” of criminal association and intentional homicide, and asked for a trial. […]

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Grupo Globo of Brasil decides to close Época magazine

"Staring on May 28, all content from Época magazine will migrate to the digital and print editions of newspaper O Globo. The weekly magazine will stop circulating. The statement was made by the newspaper this Thursday (May 6, 2021). Here is the full text. [...] In justifying the action, the company says that more and […]

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Judge decides Brazilian fact-checking site Aos Fatos cannot say which magazine published disinformation

"Judge Marcelo Augusto Oliveira, from the 41st Civil Court of the TJ-SP (Court of Justice of São Paulo), determined in a preliminary ruling that Aos Fatos can no longer mention that the Oeste Magazine conveyed disinformation. Injunctive relief granted in favor of the publication regards two checks: one about distortions in data from the monitoring […]

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RSF begins research into mechanisms for protecting journalists in Latin America

“With the support of UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has begun evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of mechanisms for protecting journalists in four Latin American countries, with the aim of helping to improve such mechanisms throughout the region. Nearly 80% of the murders of journalists in Latin […]

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Abraji registers 100 journalists blocked by authorities on Twitter

"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, for its acronym in Portuguese) has mapped 100 journalists blocked by public authorities on Twitter since it started to monitor these cases continuously, in September 2020. There are 196 blocks to the profiles of the President of the Republic, of ministers, deputies, governors and other authorities. The reasons […]