"By using WhatsApp Correio is responding to a national trend: in 2019, one forecast proclaimed Brazil as the app’s second largest market after India with 99 million monthly active users. Other estimates put this estimated audience at 120 million. The trend goes beyond Brazil though. Research suggests WhatsApp is most frequently used by people in […]
"In Brazil, where President Jair Bolsonaro uses lies and attacks on the media to mask his inability to address the Covid-19 pandemic’s devastating impact, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is about to launch a communication campaign called the “Naked Truth” to highlight journalism’s vital importance in providing access to reliable information about the pandemic. Produced by […]
"The new room is far from the plenary and makes it difficult for reporters to access parliamentarians. It is not the first time that a president of the Chamber has tried to occupy the space of the Press Committee, where journalists work. (...) To leave the presidency of the Chamber and reach the plenary, the […]
"The Federal Supreme Court (STF, for its acronym in Portuguese) denied on Thursday (Feb. 11) the recognition of the so-called 'right to be forgotten'- by which someone could claim that the media were prevented from disclosing information about a true fact considered harmful or painful." Read original article (in Portuguese)
"As in the rest of the world, trust in news in Latin America has declined in recent years. But survey data from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico show that trust levels vary significantly from one national context to another and can relate to a variety of phenomena, from the shortcomings of journalism itself to social unrest […]
"The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo, defended on Monday (Feb. 1) the attitude of [Brazilian] President Jair Bolsonaro, who last week told reporters to shove cans of condensed milk up their behind when asked about the federal government spending of R$ 1.8 billion on food and beverages in 2020." Read original article
"The emergence of small digital initiatives in Brazil in recent years has helped to fill spaces lacking the presence of local journalism, the so-called news deserts, as the number of print outlets has shrunk significantly, according to the most recent survey by Atlas da Notícia (News Atlas). All regions recorded 1. a decrease in total […]
"The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Folha de S.Paulo and the Museum of Immigration inaugurate this Wednesday (Jan. 3) the photographic exhibit Quem conta essa história: jornalistas refugiados ou refugiados jornalistas? (Who tells the story: refugee journalists or journalist refugees?) Composed of photos, texts and audiovisual resources, the exhibit relays the reasons for the forced displacement, the […]
“On Monday, Jan. 18, 2021, the Attorney General's Office delivered to Minister Cármen Lúcia, of the Supreme Federal Court, a report on the open procedure for investigating news that federal agencies were acting to help the defense of Senator Flávio Bolsonaro. In the document sent to the Supreme Court, Augusto Aras included the request made […]
"The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of the Columbia Journalism School in New York, is launching a project-based virtual Fellowship for journalists based in Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia which will be focused on illuminating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on young children’s growth, development and wellbeing." Read original announcement
"Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro [son of the country's president] was sentenced, on Wednesday (Jan. 21, 2021), to compensate journalist Patricia Campos Mello, of newspaper Folha de S.Paulo. The decision was handed down by judge Luiz Gustavo Esteves, of the 11th Civil Court of the TJ-SP (Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo). The damages […]
"An intense shootout in Complexo do Alemão [in Rio de Janeiro], in the area known as Area 5, frightens residents, who report shots since 8 a.m. this Wednesday (01/13). The armored police vehicle (Caveirão) went on towards the region known as Fazendinha and the intense shooting continues. Cinematographic reporter Renato Moura followed the police raid […]