"In partnership with Google News Initiative, Hivos and the Brazilian Institute of Data Research and Analysis (IBPAD, for its acronym in Portuguese), the School of Data (Escola de Dados) is making a public call to people interested in getting a scholarship for Coda.Br 2020 (Brazilian Conference of Data Journalism and Digital Methods). In all, 145 […]
"In recent days, several organizations have published reports with alarming data about the situation of press freedom in Brazil. Today (Oct. 21,2020), Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism) announced its own monitoring: 102 alerts were reported for stigmatizing speech - made only by public authorities - against journalists in Brazil in 2020. In 2019, it […]
"Eight new initiatives dedicated to journalism join the 28 outlets that are part of Projeto Comprova to work against disinformation. The group is formed of collectives and agencies from the five regions of the country that are connected to audiences segmented by territories, racial or religious themes and vulnerable communities. The eight new members will […]
“Brazil saw the biggest drop in the freedom of expression indicator in a report that analyzes the situation in 161 countries and that was published on Monday (19) by the international human rights organization Article 19. Brazil's fall was the most expressive in all comparisons made: the indicator fell 18 points in one year (from […]
"Venezuela and Brazil dominated the Roche Awards for Health Journalism in sound, digital and daily health coverage, which were delivered virtually on Thursday night." See the list of winners (in Spanish)
The Association of Education Journalists (Jeduca) of Brazil published a coverage guide for journalists writing about candidate proposals for public education. In November, the country chooses new mayors and city councilors in 5,570 cities. "Journalists should be attentive to the candidates' promises, always checking whether they are consistent with the duties of mayors and councilors. […]
"The São Paulo Civil Police launched an investigation to investigate a death threat against journalist Pedro Zambarda, a contributor to website Diário do Centro do Mundo. Last Friday (10.02.2020), Zambarda denounced, through a police report, a message he received on his cell phone after he published an article about 'waves of hate' on social networks […]
"Federal deputy Bia Kicis (PSL-DF) asked for content to be removed via provisional protection at least six times, in addition to filing another five criminal cases against professionals, press outlets or social media users. The actions target reports, articles and posts about the conduct of the parliamentarian shared on journalists' social networks. In an exclusive […]
"Members of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) said they were 'impacted' by reports of deepening violations of freedoms of expression and the press and access to information in Brazil, during the pandemic of the novel coronavirus. The cases were presented today, Oct. 6, 2020, by a civil society delegation, including Abraji, during the […]
"Brazil's Agência Pública launched the 'Primer on Digital Security and Action in the Field,' which systematizes the security protocols adopted by the agency to produce reports in the field." Download the guide (in Portuguese)
"Trafficker Elias Pereira da Silva, known as Elias Maluco, was found dead on Tuesday afternoon (Sept. 22) at the Catanduvas Federal Penitentiary, in western Paraná, Brazil, according to information from the Penitentiary Department (Depen). According to Depen, the Federal Police was called in to conduct an investigation on the spot. The body will be taken […]
“A bill presented by [Brazilian] senator Fabiano Contarato (Rede-ES) proposed including an article in the Penal Code to criminalize the harassment of press professionals to impede or make more difficult their work. The bill sets a penalty of a six-month detention and a fine." Read original article (Spanish)