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Brazil's Supreme Court recognizes judicial harassment of journalists and sets precedent to inhibit the practice

"Judicial harassment that compromises freedom of expression constitutes the filing of numerous lawsuits regarding the same facts, in different districts, with the intention or effect of constraining a journalist or press organization, making their defense difficult or making it excessively onerous. This is the understanding of [Brazil's] Supreme Federal Court, which decided this Wednesday (May […]

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Brazil's Agência Pública claims to be victim of disinformation campaign after report on congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro

“[Investigative journalism organization] Agência Pública has been targeted by a disinformation campaign allegedly led by federal congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro and other allies since it published the report ‘U.S. Republicans and Bolsonaro's son collaborate to punish Brazil on allegations regarding free speech,’ on April 11, 2024. [...] After publication, Eduardo Bolsonaro and former anchor of [far-right […]

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Brazilian sports journalism in mourning after three icons of the profession die in less than 24 hours

"The world of sport, especially [Brazilian] sports journalism, suffered a severe blow between the night of this Wednesday (May 15) and the morning of this Thursday (May 16). In less than 24 hours, three major references in the profession passed away. Washington Rodrigues, or Apolinho, aged 87, Antero Grecco, aged 69, and Silvio Luiz, aged […]

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Documentary reveals challenges of being a journalist in Amazon region

"The Amazon is often a hostile territory for those who fight for freedom of the press and the right to access information. Illegal economies, groups outside the law, political interference and the lack of structure and resources are challenges for journalists, communicators, environmental activists and human rights defenders working in the region. These professionals are […]

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Journalism defense organizations form coalition in Brazil

"Ten press freedom organizations launched this Monday [May 6] the Coalition in Defense of Journalism during a session of the Senate Social Communication Council (CCS), in Brasília. The entities, including Abraji, have already been acting together to focus on journalists' defense issues in the last two years, when press freedom was under severe attack in […]

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Brazilian court upholds conviction of killers of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira

"The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomed a Brazilian court’s decision on Tuesday [April 23] to uphold the conviction of four men for the 2012 murder of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira. Oliveira was shot dead […] while leaving his offices at Rádio Jornal 820 AM […] in Goiânia, the capital of the central Brazilian state […]

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Brazil's Supreme Federal Court overturns order to seize journalists' devices amid judicial investigation

"[Brazilian] Supreme Federal Court Minister Cármen Lúcia, in a definitive decision, overturned the determination of the Mato Grosso Court to seize the cell phones and computers of two journalists in the state. Alexandre Aprá and Enoch Cavalcanti had written and published reports and opinion articles about Orlando de Almeida Perri, from the Court of Justice […]

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Judicial harassment against journalists worsens in Brazil

"Among the almost 6,000 ongoing cases in Brazil that deal with freedom of expression, there are 654 actions against journalists that can be characterized as judicial harassment. The information is part of a survey carried out on Brazilian courts by the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, for its acronym in Portuguese), obtained exclusively by […]

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Brazilian research looks into mental health of journalists post-pandemic and post-labor reform

"The Jorge Duprat Figueiredo Foundation for Occupational Safety and Medicine (Fundacentro, for its acronym in Portuguese) and the National Federation of Journalists (Fenaj) launched this Tuesday (April 9) the national survey on the mental health of journalists. The project has support from the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT). The objective is to identify the impacts […]

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UN rapporteurs ask Brazil to drop charges against journalist Schirlei Alves

"A letter sent by UN women rapporteurs to the Brazilian State calls for measures to protect women journalists who cover cases of sexual crimes and denounces the conviction of reporter Schirlei Alves. For them, the defamation proceedings against the journalist need to be annulled. Schirlei Alves was sentenced in the first instance to one year […]

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Brazilian State asks for official pardon for Clarice Herzog, widow of Vladimir who fought for justice for journalist murdered during dictatorship

"This Wednesday (April 3), the Amnesty Committee of the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília unanimously approved the recognition of Clarice Herzog as a political amnesty. The widow of journalist Vladimir Herzog, tortured and killed on Oct. 25, 1975 by agents of the former DOI-CODI (Department of Information Operations - Center for Internal Defense Operations) in […]

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Brazil: Court upholds censorship of Agência Pública report on federal deputy

“Seven months ago, Agência Pública was forced by the court to withdraw a report published in June 2023 about the president of the [Brazilian] Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira. [...] This Wednesday, April 3, the 6th Civil Chamber of the Court of Justice of the Federal District and the Territories judged on the merits of […]