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FLIP warns journalists of Colombian's State 'capacity for intimidation'

“The overview of freedom of expression in [Colombia] is very worrying. This is demonstrated with figures and facts from a report by the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP). According to the leading organization in the fight to protect journalists in the country, threats, homicides, displacements and exile have worsened 'significantly' in the last four years, […]

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More than 400 journalists have been victims of the armed conflict in Colombia: National Center of Memory

"The National Center for Historical Memory revealed that 425 journalists were victimized during the armed confrontation in Colombia between 1958 and 2020. The greatest violent acts against them were selective murders with 244 press professionals killed, followed by abductions (149 records ) and forced disappearances with 23 victims. [...] According to the Memory Center, the […]

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30 years since the kidnapping and murder of Colombian journalist Diana Turbay

"'Diana Turbay assassinated. The abductors shot her in the back. Cameraman Richard Becerra is rescued unharmed. The Elite Police Corps carried out an operation after Pablo Escobar.' This is how El Espectador headlined the cover of Jan. 26, 1991, in which a large part of the issue was dedicated to covering the death of the […]

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Early Childhood Reporting Fellowship: Inequality and COVID-19 in Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia

"The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of the Columbia Journalism School in New York, is launching a project-based virtual Fellowship for journalists based in Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia which will be focused on illuminating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on young children’s growth, development and wellbeing."   Read original announcement 

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IACHR grants precautionary measures in favor of journalist Ricardo Calderón Villegas in Colombia

"On Jan. 14, 2021, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued Resolution 6/2021, by which it granted precautionary protection measures in favor of Ricardo Calderón Villegas, after considering that he is in a serious and urgent situation of risk of irreparable damage to his rights in Colombia. According to the request, Mr. Calderón is […]

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Adolescent arrested in murder of journalist in Cali, Colombia

"At the end of last December, Andrés Felipe Guevara, 27, a journalist for the judicial section of the newspaper Q'Hubo, was shot by a hitman while with a friend in the Mariano Ramos neighborhood, in southeastern Cali. After fighting for his life for a couple days, he died on Dec. 23 as a result of […]

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Colombia: Journalist Felipe Guevara Henao dies after attack

"Felipe Guevara Henao,27, died this Wednesday (12/23/2020) after being seriously injured during a shooting attack by unknown persons in Cali, capital of the Colombian department of Valle del Cauca (southwest)... According to preliminary information, the reporter, a graduate of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, had not received threats against his life and at the time […]

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Journalist seriously injured after being shot in Cali, Colombia

Judicial journalist for Q'hubo, Felipe Guevara, was seriously injured with a firearm on Monday night [Dec. 21] in the Mariano Ramos neighborhood in eastern Cali. Guevara, 27, was shot four times by unknown individuals... To date, he had not reported threats against his life." Read original article (in Spanish)

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The Washington Post announces new foreign bureau in Bogota, Colombia

"The Washington Post will take new steps in 2021 to become a more global newsroom by creating breaking-news hubs in Europe and Asia... The Post will also establish new foreign bureaus in Sydney and Bogotá, adding to an international footprint that will grow to 26 locations around the world." Read original story

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Colombian TV station employees flee country amid threats from FARC militants

"On Nov. 16, Arlex Piedrahita, a camera operator with the news broadcaster Caracol TV, fled to the United States with his family after he received a death threat and other threatening messages from individuals claiming to be members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, a Marxist rebel group known as the FARC, according to […]

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8th edition of Festival Gabo begins on Nov. 30 with virtual and free programming

"The eighth edition of the Gabo Festival will be held virtually from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11, 2020. All programming is virtual and has no cost for attendees." Read original article (in Spanish)

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Colombia's FLIP rejects stigmatization of journalists covering demonstrations

“FLIP rejects public figures and journalists issuing messages that link reporters who cover social protests [in Colombia] with urban militias. These generic assessments put journalists at risk, deteriorate the conditions for the development of their work and negatively impact the debate on issues of public interest. On Nov. 23, FLIP learned that [journalist] Herbin Hoyos […]