"On the night of April 11, former senator [and former president] Álvaro Uribe wrote on his Twitter account a correction about the accusations against journalist Daniel Coronell: 'He is not a drug trafficker,' he said. This post came hours after the Prosecutor's Office had summoned Uribe and Coronell to a proceeding to transfer an accusation […]
"Nearly a hundred journalists from various media outlets in Guatemala staged a demonstration on Saturday [March 4] in front of the country's Supreme Court in protest for a judge's decision to investigate nine journalists due to their publications on different allegations. The demonstration was also to protest against the case of another journalist critical of […]
"On Monday morning [March 6], the Criminal Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of San José convicted journalist Marlon Mora Jiménez of two counts of defamation against former presidential candidate and criminal lawyer Juan Diego Castro Fernández. According to the [radio] news show 'Interferencia,' the ruling imposed a fine of CRC 600,000 [about US $1,000] […]
"In the hearing where the president of elPeriódico, José Ruben Zamora, was indicted for a second case in which he is accused of conspiracy to obstruct justice, the Public Prosecutor's Office requested that the investigation be extended to journalists and independent news outlets. It argues that their publications hindered the work of the Public Prosecutor's […]
"The Tenth Court of First Criminal Instance [of Guatemala] convicted this Tuesday, Feb. 21, attorney Mario Castañeda, who defended the president of the newspaper elPeriódico, José Rubén Zamora. [...] Judge Jimmi Bremmer issued a three-year commuted prison sentence against the lawyer for the crime of conspiracy to obstruct justice. [...] The head of the Special […]
"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) denounced the continued abuse of defamation lawsuits against Panamanian media and journalists and the preventive seizure of their assets as mechanisms of intimidation and gagging to curb critical journalism. The IAPA endorsed the recent expressions of its regional vice-presidency in Panama, the National Council of Journalists (CNP, by its […]
"Journalist Rogério Florentino, from Cuiabá (capital of the state of Mato Grosso), is being targeted by abusive legal actions intended to harm the work of the press. Florentino is facing a criminal complaint filed by businessman Pedro Eugenio Gomes Procópio da Silva, owner of two mining companies operating in the city, Ofir Intermediações de Cuiabá […]
"This Tues. [Jan. 31], a Guatemalan court charged renowned journalist and main opponent of President Alejandro Giammattei, José Rubén Zamora Marroquín, for alleged obstruction of justice. This brings to two the number of criminal proceedings opened against the founder of El Periódico. Zamora Marroquín is also accused of money laundering, for which he has been […]
"The Constitutional Court [of Colombia] has just denied a tutela [legal remedy in the Colombian system for guaranteeing fundamental rights] filed by filmmaker Ciro Guerra against journalists Catalina Ruiz-Navarro and Matilde de los Milagros. Said journalists published in June 2020 in the digital news site Volcanicas eight allegations of sexual harassment and abuse against Guerra […]
"National and international organizations expressed their concern on Tuesday (Jan. 17) about the lawsuit for moral damages filed against a journalist who published an article on alleged acts of corruption involving the government and the brother-in-law of Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso. The Venezuelan journalist of the digital media La Posta, Andersson Boscán -who has lived […]
“On October 11, Santa Catarina’s state assembly held the first session of a Parliamentarian Commission of Investigation (CPI, by its Portuguese acronym), which is investigating The Intercept Brasil and Portal Catarinas for their joint report, published on June 20, about attempts by members of the state’s legal system to stop an 11-year-old rape survivor from […]
"Bolivia's press associations rejected on Sept. 10 the accusation against a journalist who denounced the poor condition of school breakfasts in the southern department of Tarija, Bolivia. A mayor initiated legal proceedings against him, demanding he reveals his source. The National Association of the Bolivian Press (ANPB) and the Association of Journalists of La Paz […]