"The Press Freedom Observatory of the National Association of Journalists (ANP, by its Spanish acronym) of Peru recorded attacks on seven press men and women during the [dubbed] Takeover of Lima mobilization. On the first day of mobilizations of the third Takeover of Lima [Thursday, July 20], according to a report prepared by the Journalist's […]
"Once again, aggressions against the press were registered in the marches against the Executive Power [in Lima, Peru]. This time [July 19], those affected were a reporter and a cameraman belonging to Panamericana TV. In addition to insults, journalist Tifanny Tipiani was kicked and cameraman Gustavo Castro fell victim to the theft of one of […]
"Without any explanation, the National Institute of Radio and Television of Peru (IRTP, by its Spanish acronym) decided on Wednesday [June 28, 2023] not to renew the work contracts of journalists Ximena Carrasco and Jorge Ballón. Ximena Carrasco said to La República newspaper that her contract was about to expire, so the managing editor requested […]
"'La Resistencia [the resistance]' has carried out several attacks against politicians, journalists, social leaders, and human rights defenders in the last weeks without being stopped by the authorities. In view of this, Congresswoman Flor Pablo officially requested the Attorney General, Patricia Benavides, that the Public Prosecutor's Office initiate an ex officio investigation against members of […]
"The Peruvian Congress rejected this Thursday [June 15] to approve, in a second vote, a bill proposing to raise the penalties for the crime of defamation. The bill has been described by national and international journalistic organizations as a 'gag law' that sought to intimidate the press and that had received the green light in […]
"This Wednesday [May 31], the Peruvian Press Council questioned the appointment of Ninoska Chandia as the new president of the Institute of Radio and Television of Peru (IRTP) for her 'professional closeness' with President Dina Boluarte. In a statement, it recalled that State media must have strict independence from the government of the day, since […]
"Two days after the publication of an investigation that stopped a campaign based on slanderous disinformation against news website IDL-R director, Gustavo Gorriti and newspaper La República director Gustavo Mohme, the ultra-right-wing groups known as 'La Pestilencia' [the Pestilence] violently attacked the offices of IDL-Reporteros on Friday night [May 5], which represented the fourth attack […]
"Seventy-one percent of digital attacks against journalists have been directed against women in recent months in Peru. The most common forms of offense against them were stereotypes and judgments based on their appearance, according to a study conducted using artificial intelligence by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Released on International Press Freedom Day [May […]
"In the last few weeks, the Congress of the Republic [Peru] has been preparing two bills that would put at risk journalistic practice and the autonomy of the media. Bill No. 2862/2022 seeks to increase penalties for the crimes of slander and defamation, and thus curb -as detailed in its explanatory memorandum- 'the malpractice carried […]
"The former Minister of the Interior and retired general of the Peruvian Army Daniel Urresti was sentenced this Thursday [April 13] to 12 years in prison as 'co-perpetrator' of the murder of journalist Hugo Bustíos. As determined by the Judiciary, Bustíos was attacked by a military patrol dressed in civilian clothes in the region of […]
"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) issued an alert on a bill filed in Peru that would establish mandatory membership and certification for journalists. The initiative, presented by Congresswoman Noelia Herrera, of the extreme right-wing Renovación Popular party, establishes as a mandatory requirement to practice journalism a bachelor's degree in communications or membership in the […]
“The protests against the government of Dina Boluarte continue in Peru. In the first week of March, came the news of the death of six soldiers who drowned trying to cross the Llave river in Puno, in the South of the country. The coverage of this topic was mainly carried out by the correspondent of […]