
Press Freedom

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Mexico: Univision journalist denounces abduction attempt in Tamaulipas during presidential press conference

“A Univision journalist denounced at the presidential morning press conference in Mexico [Monday, April 29] that an attempt was made to abduct one of his colleagues in Tamaulipas, for which President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) offered him protection. From the National Palace, he reported the case of Francisco Cobos, who was blocked by a […]

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Press freedom organizations express concern after police operation against journalists in Mato Grosso, Brazil

Eight organizations that work to defend press freedom in Brazil published a statement expressing concern after a police search and seizure operation against journalists Enock Cavalcante and Alexandre Aprá in the state of Mato Grosso [in Brazil] on Tuesday, Feb. 6. "The investigation was initiated due to a complaint presented by the state governor, Mauro […]

Last week to apply for UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize

Until next Feb. 15, nominations will be received for the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize, which each year “honours a person, organization or institution that has made an outstanding contribution to the defence and, or promotion of press freedom anywhere in the world, and especially when this has been achieved in the face of […]

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Press rejects attack on TC Televisión in Ecuador; journalists beaten and threatened during takeover of channel

Journalists from Ecuador's public channel TC Televisión described the armed takeover by a group of men on the afternoon of Tuesday, Jan. 9 in Guayaquil as an “extremely violent attack.” According to what they said, the men shot a cameraman in the leg and broke another's arm. Around 2 p.m. on Jan. 9, and in […]

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Six journalists attacked during coverage of Colombian soccer match

The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP, by its Spanish acronym) of Colombia denounced the attack of at least six journalists who were covering a soccer match between Atlético Nacional and Deportivo Independiente Medellín, on Sunday, Dec. 3. Journalists from Win Sports, Teleantioquia and ESPN were victims of insults, blows, harassment and damage to their journalistic […]

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Journalists from Colombia and Guatemala were among RSF Press Freedom Prize winners

At a ceremony on Nov. 28 in Brussels, the organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) presented its Press Freedom Awards. The founder of the Guatemalan newspaper elPeriódico, José Rubén Zamora, received the award in the “Independence” category. The Colombian journalist Juan Pablo Barrientos was awarded in the “Impact” category. RSF highlighted Zamora’s work for two decades […]

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Journalists from Colombia, Guatemala and Haiti among nominees for RSF Press Freedom Awards

Reporters Without Borders (RSF, for its acronym in French) announced the journalists nominated for its thirty-first edition of the Press Freedom Awards, which will be presented on Nov. 28 in Brussels. There are 21 journalists, photographers, media outlets and press associations nominated in the three categories of the awards: Courage, Impact and Independence. RSF also […]

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Brazilian court irrevocably sentences former president Bolsonaro to compensate journalists for attacks

"Former President Jair Bolsonaro has been irrevocably sentenced by the São Paulo Court of Justice to pay a collective compensation of 50 thousand reais [about US $10 thousand] to journalists for moral damages. The lawsuit was filed by the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of São Paulo (SJSP, for its acronym in Portuguese), […]

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Peruvian Transparency Court declares journalist's appeal against police appeal well-founded

"The Transparency Court [of Peru] declared the appeal filed by Pamela Huerta Bustamante, journalist of our news outlet La República, against the Peruvian National Police to be well-founded. It should be noted that Huerta Bustamante requested information about the 'Plan Abanico Verde 2023,' but said institution did not provide her with any information in this […]

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Office of the Special Rapporteur condemns the escalation of violence against journalists in Haiti and calls for comprehensive solutions

“The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemns the escalation of violence against journalists and media outlets in Haiti and urges the authorities to carry out a full and effective investigation of the facts, and to increase their efforts to protect the press […]

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Peruvian journalist Manuel Calloquispe faces threats and assaults to expose environmental damage from illegal Amazon mining

“Manuel Calloquispe has had to face an angry mob laying siege to his house. He’s been called a traitor. He’s been punched and kicked by miners and had his equipment stolen. He once had to duck for cover when someone threw a machete at him. The reason: His decade reporting on the environmental havoc caused […]

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Mexican journalist María Teresa Montaño to receive CPJ's International Press Freedom Award 2023

"The Committee to Protect Journalists [CPJ] will celebrate four extraordinary journalists from Georgia, India, Mexico, and Togo with its 2023 International Press Freedom Awards. […] María Teresa Montaño (México) is a prominent investigative reporter […]. Her journalism features investigations of corruption, transparency, gender violence, and accountability. […] In 2021, in retaliation for her reporting, she […]