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International reporting project publishes five reports linking journalist deaths to drug cartel violence in Mexico

With the publication of "The Cartel Project," the message for enemies of the free press is that, if they...

December 16, 2020

Three journalists killed in Mexico in less than two weeks; press advocates say impunity is to blame

Violence against journalists in Mexico is not new. For years, the country has been identified as one...

November 11, 2020

AMLO asks for investigation of Mexicans Against Corruption; 'We do not operate in secrecy,' it responds

"Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) responded, through a statement, that the organization...

November 10, 2020

In Latin America and the Caribbean, a vast majority of murders of journalists go unpunished; Mexico and Brazil lead impunity in the region and world

To mark the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, commemorated annually on...

November 2, 2020

Despite convictions, justice for murdered journalists in Mexico remains abstract

"Some recent convictions in the cases of journalists murdered in Mexico may give the impression that...

October 29, 2020

Linhas de ajuda atendem mulheres jornalistas que sofrem ataques online na América Latina

O aumento do assédio online contra mulheres jornalistas é uma tendência na América Latina e tem impactos...

October 28, 2020

Helplines assist women journalists in Latin America who are being attacked online

The increase in online harassment against women journalists is a trend in Latin America and has real...

October 28, 2020

Brother of Mexican president calls for 12 years in prison for journalist

“‘Pío López Obrador, brother of the President of the Republic, has decided to report me to the...

October 21, 2020

Targeted by populist leaders, journalists develop safety protocols, collaborate with competing outlets and take legal measures against those in power

For the first time in its 21-year-history, the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ) was...

July 22, 2020

Mexican newspaper Reforma threatened for coverage of president and his management of COVID-19

Mexican newspaper Reforma released an audio recording in which a man who claims to be from an organized...

May 15, 2020

Centinela Covid-19 collaborative investigative project brings together 14 Latin American media outlets to cover pandemic

About a month ago, journalists from 14 Latin American media outlets began planning a collaborative project...

April 22, 2020

Media coverage of a high-profile femicide in Mexico City sparked debate concerning how journalists cover murders of women

Ingrid Escamilla, 25, was brutally murdered in the Mexico City neighborhood of Vallejo on Feb. 9 and...

February 19, 2020