The Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on Wednesday, July 11, condemned the killing of Brazilian sports commentator Valério Luiz de Oliveira.
An ex-police officer accused of killing a Brazilian journalist in 1989 was sentenced to 19 years in prison on Tuesday, July 10, reported the newspaper Folha Vitória.
The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji in Portuguese) will begin on Thursday, July 12, its 7th International Conference on Investigative Journalism in the city of Sao Paulo.
In a statement published Friday, July 6, the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) lamented the killing of Brazilian sports commentator Valério Luiz, reported the news portal Terra.
The majority of crimes against journalists in Brazil are committed by politicians and the police, said the National Federation of Journalists of Brazil (Fenaj in Portuguese) in a public hearing of the Commission on Public Safety and the Fight against Organized Crime.
Brazilian radio sports commentator Valério Luiz was shot and killed on the afternoon of Thursday, June 5, while leaving the building of the radio station Rádio Jornal 820 AM, where he worked, in Goiânia, reported the news portal R7.
The suspect that confessed to killing Brazilian journalist Décio Sá in April, Jhonathan Silva, narrated the details of the crime during its reconstruction organized by the Public Safety Secretariat of Maranhão on Tuesday, June 3, reported G1.
Brazil's National Council of the Attorney General's office approved on June 26 a proposal with recommendations for investigations of crimes against journalists to be thorough, fast, and high-priority, reported the newspaper Estado de S. Paulo.
In 2011, 68 percent of Brazilian journalists used Twitter as their main tool for spreading news, according to a new digital journalism study from Oriella PR Network. The study, which aimed at understanding how the press worldwide is using digital technologies, interviewed about 500 journalists from 15 countries - 84 of those interviewed were Brazilian.
The Brazilian government told the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States that it will not reopen the case of the killing of reporter Vladimir Herzog for further investigation due to the amnesty law, reported the G1 on Thursday, June 21.
A public official from the Brazilian state of Maranhão was accused masterminding the killing of journalist Décio Sá, according to the hit-man's statement, which was leaked out on to the internet on Thursday, June 21, reported the Agência Estado.
On Wednesday, June 20, two UN Special Rapporteurs called for better protection for journalists during the Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, reported the news site Rfi.