The coach for Brazil's soccer team, Carlos Dunga, is taking heat for insulting a reporter from the Brazilian television network Globo, and swearing at a French referee, after the FIFA World Cup game against the Ivory Coast on Sunday.
A Brazilian investigator reporter and the founder of Indonesia's first independent radio network are the recipients of the 2010 Knight International Journalism Awards, the International Center for Journalists announced.
Violence against journalists in Honduras and Mexico and government actions against the media in Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba, and Colombia were discussed this week at a U.S. House panel on press freedom in the Americas, The Dallas Morning News and AFP report.
International broadcasters are looking into muting or filtering the blaring ambient noise of the vuvuzela at the World Cup, but Brazilians have an additional complaint: the national team’s play-by-play announcer Galvão Bueno. His non-stop talking during the opening ceremony led to millions of posts on Twitter of “Cala boca, Galvão” (Shut up, Galvão), making it the site's top trending topic for the last five days.
The Bloomberg financial news and information company will deliver news in Portuguese as part of its real-time service for investors, the company announced (via Business Wire).
Two local police officers and a third accomplice were indicted for last month's kidnapping and torture of journalist Gilvan Luiz Pereira, editor and owner of Jornal Sem Nome (Newspaper Without a Name), in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, the Diário do Nordeste newspaper reports.
More than 100 Brazilian journalists, academics, students, and programmers participated in the First International Seminar on Online Journalism on May 29, 2010, in São Paulo. The gathering was organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, Cásper Libero College, and the Brazilian chapter of the Online News Association (ONA-Brazil).
Maurício Machado, journalist and owner of Jornal Atualidades in Marília, São Paulo, was granted pretrial release after spending six days in prison under charges of extorting a federal deputy, O Estado de S. Paulo reports. Prosecutors say the journalist planned to publish false stories about the deputy to force him to buy advertising at the paper.
Circulation in Brazil is increasing once again after a decline last year during the economic crisis, O Estado de S. Paulo reports. On average, 97 papers reported a 1.5 percent increase in the first quarter of 2010, compared with an 8.6 percent drop in U.S. circulation over the six-month period ending March 31. What accounts for this difference?
Ângelo Ferreira da Silva is the second convicted assassin of TV journalist Tim Lopes to leave prison while serving a sentence allowing his limited release, the G1 news site reports. Lopes was killed by drug traffickers in 2002 after being captured and tortured while he was reporting on drug and sex trafficking at community dances in a shantytown of Rio de Janeiro.
Renato Santana, a reporter for the newspaper Tribuna de Santos, has received threats of harm and is facing pressures from prosecutors in São Paulo state after publishing a series of reports showing the operation of death squads in the area of Santos, São Paulo, the Journalists Union of São Paulo reports.
Reporters, editors, academics and developers who are highly involved in producing digital news will meet in São Paulo May 29, 2010, for the First International Seminar on Online Journalism. The event is organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, Faculdade Cásper Líbero, and the Brazilian chapter of the Online News Association, a U.S. organization.