
Legal Cases

Posts Tagged ‘ Legal Cases ’

Guatemalan court revokes house arrest granted to journalist José Rubén Zamora

Despite being granted house arrest in May, José Rubén Zamora has now suffered another legal setback in courts. An appeals court has revoked the measure. His son, José Zamora, says the decision is a continuation of harassment against his father.

Guatemalan court grants house arrest to journalist José Rubén Zamora, yet he remains in prison

On May 15, the Ninth Court of Criminal Sentencing in Guatemala granted a substitute measure of house arrest, without surveillance, to journalist Jose Rubén Zamora, as reported by Guatemalan media. However, the founder of elPeriódico remains in prison due to another case against him. "They offered for me to leave the country and I never […]

Man in hat talking on computer

‘An integral part of investigative journalism must be planning an effective defense of the investigation and journalism itself’: Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti

Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti is currently facing an investigation by the prosecutor's office for the alleged crime of bribery and his communications have been requested. Several organizations have said the case is retaliation for his journalistic work. Gorriti spoke with LJR about this investigation against him, his response to the attacks and even the lessons that he’s gained from this process.

Despite ‘unfair’ trial and conviction that was annulled, Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora remains in prison

José Rubén Zamora Marroquín has already spent more than 570 days in the Mariscal Zavala prison in Guatemala despite having his sentence annulled. Added to that is the fact that various national and international organizations have highlighted the violations of human rights and international law throughout his case. In what seems to be the most recent strategy […]

Cuba, Guatemala and Nicaragua among countries with imprisoned journalists; Jailed journalists nearing record globally

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) published its annual report on imprisoned journalists around the world. Although no country in Latin America and the Caribbean is on the list of “the worst jailers,” the report highlights three cases in the region and points out that media outlets and journalists there still face threats to carry out their work

woman looking at the camera, leaning on a. green fence, outdoors

Court sentences former intelligence official in case of torture against Colombian journalist Claudia Duque

A Superior Court of Colombia recently sentenced one of those involved in the case of aggravated torture against journalist Claudia Julieta Duque to 12 years in prison. The journalist said the sentence left a “bitter” taste because the convicted former intelligence official is on the run.

Como blindar suas reportagens contra processos judiciais

Knight Center offers free online course on how journalists in Brazil can avoid lawsuits

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is pleased to announce a new free online course in Portuguese that will give Brazilian journalists the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the complex landscape of civil liability, privacy rights, right of reply, source confidentiality and more.

Journalist duo presents the most complete investigation ever made about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Brazil

In the book "Pedophilia in the Church: An unprecedented dossier on abuse cases involving Catholic priests in Brazil," journalists Fábio Gusmão and Giampaolo Morgado Braga describe the first panorama of sexual abuse against children and adolescents by the clergy in the largest Catholic country in the world.

José Rubén Zamora

Press freedom organizations condemn sentence of Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora, voice concerns about other open court cases

In view of the six-year prison sentence against journalist José Rubén Zamora for the alleged crime of money laundering, international and national organizations voiced their concern for the general situation of journalists in Guatemala, the weakening of its democracy, and for Zamora himself, who has at least two other open court cases against him.

Panoramic view of the Peruvian Congress

Pending vote on 'Gag Law,' Peru's Congress goes on the offensive against press freedom and media react

Peru's parliamentarians launched various attacks to restrict press freedom, and journalist associations are resisting as best they can. A controversial bill may fail in Congress, but other threatening initiatives remain under discussion, reflecting deteriorating democratic conditions in the country.