
Brazilian gunmen fire on offices of TV broadcaster in shooting spree

Bullet holes were found in the side of the offices of TV Oeste, an affiliate of the Brazilian broadcaster TV Bahia, on the morning of Jan. 4, in the northeastern city of Barreiras, reported the website G1. According to witnesses, two men on a motorcycle drove up to the building and fired three shots into its facade.

The bullets damaged the building's sign and its front door, reported Correio 24 horas. During the attack, there were two security guards on duty but none were injured. Police announced that they would increase patrols in the area and question suspects.

The newspaper A Tarde reported that the broadcaster was not the only victim of the gunmen that night. Banks and other businesses were also targeted. The Association of Military Police of Western Bahia have been on strike since Feb. 1, according to the newspaper Jornal da Lapa.