
Teresa Mioli

Teresa Mioli is the editorial manager for the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. She is interested in press freedom, democratization, and investigative journalism in Latin America and is dedicated to increasing awareness about the importance of independent news media to the health of democracies. She produces journalistic work with the aim of helping people to make informed decisions about their lives and societies and wants to make sure other journalists are able to do the same. She has Bachelors' degrees in Journalism and Plan II Honors (Liberal Arts) and a Master's degree in Latin American Studies, all from the University of Texas at Austin. She started her journalistic career at The Beaumont Enterprise in Southeast Texas where she last worked as a breaking news reporter.

Teresa Mioli es la directora editorial del Centro Knight para el Periodismo en las Américas. Es una periodista con interés en la libertad de prensa, la democratización y el periodismo investigativo en América Latina y está dedicada a crear mayor consciencia sobre la importancia de los medios noticiosos independientes para la salud de las democracias. El objetivo de su trabajo periodístico es ayudar las personas para que tomen decisiones informadas sobre sus vidas y sus sociedades, y busca que otros periodistas tengan la posibilidad de hacer lo mismo. Teresa tiene una licenciatura en Periodismo y Artes liberales (Plan II Honors), y una maestría en Estudios Latinoamericanos, todos de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. Empezó su carrera en periodismo en The Beaumont Enterprise al sureste de Texas, en donde recientemente trabajó como reportera de noticias de última hora. Anteriormente ella fue la editora de LatAm Journalism Review del Centro Knight.

Teresa Mioli é gerente editorial do Centro Knight para o Jornalismo nas Américas. Ela se interessa por liberdade de imprensa, democratização e jornalismo investigativo na América Latina e se dedica a aumentar a conscientização sobre a importância da mídia independente para a saúde das democracias. Ela produz trabalhos jornalísticos com o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas a tomarem decisões informadas sobre suas vidas e sociedades e deseja garantir que outros jornalistas possam fazer o mesmo. Ela tem bacharelado em jornalismo e artes liberais e um mestrado em Estudos Latino-Americanos, todos pela Universidade do Texas em Austin. Ela começou sua carreira jornalística na The Beaumont Enterprise no sudeste do Texas, onde trabalhou pela última vez como repórter de notícias de última hora.

Recent Articles

Cuban journalist gets one year in prison for crimes of resistance and disobedience

Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces, a Cuban lawyer and journalist, received one year in prison for the crime of resistance and disobedience months after being detained and allegedly beaten by the political police.

Jorge Ruiz Vázquez

Threatened journalist killed in Veracruz, Mexico is the third reporter killed in country this week

Jorge Celestino Ruiz Vázquez was shot around 9 p.m. in the town of Actopan in the state of Veracruz on Aug. 2, according to organization Periodistas Desplazados y Riesgo México.

Map of Mexico with black ribbon

Journalist who received threats is second press professional killed in Mexico this week

A journalist and municipal employee was killed on the morning of Aug. 2 on a beach in the state of Guerrero.

After attack on its offices, newspaper in Mexico stops print edition and refrains from covering police beat online

A newspaper in the northern state of Chihuahua in Mexico has temporarily stopped its print edition after an attack on its facilities.

Investigative journalists from Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama join ranks of the ICIJ

Journalists from Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama are now among the 54 professionals from Latin America in the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

Journalist Javier Valdez was killed in Sinaloa, Mexico on May 15, 2017.

Mexican president makes promise to widow of slain journalist Javier Valdez to support investigation into his murder

Days after witness testimony in a U.S. trial pointed to the sons of a Mexican drug lord for the murder of journalist Javier Valdez, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told the reporter’s widow that the government will support the investigation into his killing. 

Rafael Murúa Manríquez

First journalist killed in Mexico in 2019 reported threats to his life and was under federal protection

A journalist who denounced receiving threats was found dead in Baja California Sur after having been reported as disappeared earlier in the day.

ICFJ opens nominations for the 2019 Knight International Journalism Awards

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) put out a call for nominations for the 2019 Knight International Journalism Awards.


Argentinian women journalists report challenges with career advancement, professional development and discrimination

In Argentina, 72 percent of women journalists recently surveyed believe that women have less opportunities for growth than men in media companies. Seventy-seven percent believe that, in journalism, women do not earn the same amount as men for doing the same job.

Illustration of Pablo Medina with the words Justicia para Pablo

Sentence upheld for former Paraguayan mayor convicted of instigating 2014 murder of Pablo Medina

There has been another advancement in the case of the 2014 murder of Paraguayan journalist Pablo Medina and his assistant Antonia Almada.